June 22, 2007


Right now, I feel compelled to write about Gone with the Wind. Here's the thing: it's a somewhat interesting story, but it's entirely a romance novel and not so much a great American classic. It's pure Danielle Steele in that way, but here's the other thing: it's remarkably better written. Honestly. Margaret Mitchell exhibits evidence of knowing how to turn a phrase. There are some descriptions of Georgian landscapes that are breathtaking, and I feel like the dialogue was realistic. Ish. I read this book, at the age of 13, in, like, 3 days, but the main character is the most unsympathetic main character I have ever encountered. I hate to admit this, but I enjoyed reading Gone with the Wind much more than I enjoyed Pride and Prejudice, but while I totally and utterly love Elizabeth Bennet, I want to step on Scarlett O'Hara Hamilton Kennedy Butler's head. I guess that's the point? But why did Rhett bother? He's a cool guy. He wasted way too much time on that bitch. Also, Ashley? He's like someone nobody could find desirable. I mean, I don't even understand why Melanie would want him. Although, Scarlett is sixteen (I think) when the book starts, so I mean, I could see why she'd crush on him, but for the rest of her life? Once she's even gotten Rhett? Idiot.

Anyway, the point of all this was to say that while Gone with the Wind is really nothing great as far as plot, Margaret Mitchell could write. She was a better writer than J.K. Rowling, and I love the Harry Potter books.

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