September 25, 2007


Brandi Carlile and some stupid iTunes widget caused my iTunes library to explode, which means I just lost my playlists, the playcount record of 75% of my songs, and the ratings for those songs as well. That re-sorting by last name thing, though--it held onto that, because that's actually file information. So, I guess that's good. But this is wicked annoying. Fortunately, I have an exact replica of this library on my laptop. So... I'll fix it tomorrow, because I can't handle an incomplete library.

I still can't figure out the lyrics to "I Write These Words" or "Love Songs"--or the beginning of "How These Days Grow Long." I'm pretty sure she doesn't actually say something about "a tin can for the road," but that's the best I can do. Clearly, I need to see this girl in concert as soon as possible. Next Friday can't come fucking fast enough.

1 comment:

sunnyday04 said...

If you need the lyrics you can check this site:

If you scroll down they have the lyrics for all the new songs from Brandi herself. Hope that helps and enjoy the concert. I had a blast at the ones I went to last week.