October 31, 2007

A classic waste of cool

This is an oddly specific string of keywords: "vest brandi carlile emily"--somebody used it to find my entry on the "Turpentine" video. I'm not quite sure what to make of it, but it's tickling me anyway. Also, I actually googled that string myself, and I am only the second hit. What the hell? Bitches...

Oh, also, I finally watched the "Turpentine" video again, and I can't believe I didn't realize she's barefoot in it. I love barefooted girls even more than barefooted boys. It might have been the video I initially watched, but she didn't look orange this time. Just really, really pretty. And maybe the vest is growing on me or something, but I guess it's not that bad. I think I just really couldn't resist making the Mean Girls connection. (Other Mean Girls quote that horribly comes into my head in connection with Brandi: "I'm sorry I called you a gap-toothed bitch. It's not your fault you're so gap-toothed." Even though I don't think it's so much that she's gap-toothed as that her two front teeth are crooked. Whatever! Mean Girls runs my subconscious.)

So I was pondering this the other day: I went to three shows at the Orpheum this month, and Brandi's was the only one where they didn't allow beer in the seats. At Regina and Kelly, you could drink in the theater; at Brandi, you had to finish your booze in the lobby, which was just as well, because if I'd had another giant Bud Light, I would have had to pee halfway through her set, and that would not have been allowed (by me). But I was still like, "What the fuck? Brandi Carlile fans aren't assholes." However, after reading some reports from her other shows on this tour, I'm starting to think that, for some reason, she attracts assholes, because there always seemed to be mention of some drunk or other being a total dick. In Burlington it wasn't so bad--at least around me--that drunk woman just passed out at the end, but she wasn't being annoying or anything during the show. And I'm ashamed to say that I got wasted at my first Brandi concert, but that's because Mike and I had already been drinking at the Cask 'n Flagon, and it just seemed like continuing to drink at the Avalon would be the thing to do. But we weren't annoying, and we were on the edges of the crowd, by the bar, not in anyone's way; maybe we talked to each other too loudly, but we didn't run into people or scream at the band--or pass out during "Hallelujah"--like, really. Anyway, after that show, I was, like, "What the hell was I thinking? I'm never getting drunk at a Brandi Carlile concert again." Because you miss shit when you're drunk. We had tons of fun, but I'd rather be stone cold sober for this girl.

Anyway, what the fuck, nasty drunks? Stay away from concerts where people actually wanna listen to the band. Or mostly, stay away from Brandi Carlile. Thanks.

I also got this search string: "what denomination was laura ingalls wilder"--and you know, I do not know. Some kind of Protestant. The end. But I did write that whole thing about Little House on the Prairie, but where did denomination come from? I hate talking about religion.

Songs I would die to hear Brandi Carlile cover:
"A Case of You"
"Undone--The Sweater Song"
the rest of "Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Paint It Black"
"Shelter from the Storm"


Kelly said...

I totally agree with you about staying sober at concerts. You end up missing stuff and not being able to truly enjoy the show. BTW, How are you finding out how ppl are finding your blog? Thats pretty cool!

Booknerd said...

Google has this thing you can add on to a website that'll let you see, among other things, what keyword searches are bringing people to your site. I'm kind of obsessed with it now.