February 7, 2008

Icicles are falling down

This weather is a mess! Rain, sleet, snow, flooding! Slush everywhere! Fuuuuuuck. February and March are the worst months of the year.

Mike said that if he'd had another beer in Burlington, "That Year" would have made him cry. This was not included in my original wrap-up of the show because he didn't tell me that until, like, a month later. I am telling you this now, three months after that, because iTunes played "That Year" from Burlington just now. That song is heartbreaking.

Now for something less depressing: Ricky got his walking papers last night, finally. God. That stupid orange bathing suit would have been shredded in a wrestling ring--even a fake wrestling ring--don't you think? Chris's most definitely was the cutest, but I have a thing for clothes with hoods. And when girls with pretty long hair wear their hoods up. Even though the wrestler lady was kind of scary, she looked less scary with the hood up. Not nearly as pretty as this lady:
Rami's was hideous, Sweet P's boring; Jillian's looked like it was made out of duct tape, and Christian has totally designed that little bolero thing before, hasn't he? I feel like I've seen that before. However. I loved how he fell so in love with his wrestling costume and was all, "This is my favorite design ever, which is...kinda scary." I don't know--that was just funny. Of course the word fierce was quite the star of this challenge, but seriously? Those bitches are fierce. In the snarling tiger kind of way. And Chris and Christian were the only ones who really went all out with it. Jillian's was acceptable, but she was, yet again, not done on time. For someone who seems so goddamn unflappable, she sure gets frantic about construction.

That's the other thing! When she was watching the WWE DVD, she was, like, flipping out! Getting all into the stagey girlfighting! (So gay!) It was so weird. Maybe Jillian needs to bodyslam somebody (I nominate Rami), and then she'll feel better. And even though it wasn't really all that funny, I laughed out loud when Jillian said of her wrestler, "She might bodyslam me if I design the wrong thing." I guess I just grabbed at any attempt of hers to show a sense of humor. Also, that interview she gave at the beginning of the show, about how it would suck to get this far but not make it to Bryant Park--she seemed severely doped up, like she could barely keep her eyes open. However. I will take Jillian's bizarro stoicism over Sweet P's whining any day. I do not believe that Mean P exists! How disappointing.

Oy. I didn't watch Cashmere Mafia last night, but Allison gave me a quick rundown, and just...oy. I was all excited about this show, because it had girlkissing right out of the gate instead of stringing us along for six episodes while Caitlin went back and forth over whether she was really attracted to Alicia. And now they're trotting out all the tired lesbian cliches, and Caitlin's back to sleeping with men, but not really, as Alicia apparently forgives her when she confesses, and Caitlin's, what, going to learn to handle dating a pregnant lesbian? When she's still unsure of her sexuality and has yet, at 37, to be in a committed relationship of any kind? Lordy-loo. (Maybe I should have watched this before going on a rant. Whatever. Who needs to be properly informed?) Plus, Alicia is so boring. There are plenty of non-boring, non-pregnant lesbians for Caitlin to fall in love with. I really don't get it--the two of them have no chemistry, but I guess maybe that's Lourdes Benedicto's fault? (It's certainly not Bonnie Somerville's--Bonnie Somerville is kind of awesome.) Whatever. At least The L-Word isn't an abomination this year.

In my quest for decent lesbian entertainment, I rented The Gymnast, and that totally fell flat. I was just not interested in any of the characters, and the acrobatics didn't really engage me, so...it was a flop and a half. The trailer was about twice as interesting. Anyone have any good lesbian-centric movies I should watch? I'm getting a little sad.

In Allison's quest to be crowned queen of awesome, she reported back to me on The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe last night, and we had a brief discussion about how the girls are given weapons but told not to fight, and even though Lucy does fight when she's grown up, and Susan becomes the best archer in the world, the message in that one book, that girls shouldn't fight because that makes battles ugly, is gross. Though, apparently, girls should be able to defend themselves, which is good. At least Lewis didn't want his damsels to be helpless. It is interesting that Susan gets a horn to call for help as well as the means to defend herself. Which one does she use in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe? Guess. I could totally write a thesis on this shiz, but I don't have the discipline to actually do it. I kind of feel like I need to, though, because this stuff has been bugging me for years, and I need to exorcise it. Eh. Whatever.


sunnyday04 said...

I almost couldn't respond to this post, because you said you had rented and subsequently watched a movie called "The Gymnast." What could have possibly convinced you to do such a thing? I'm horrified!

But, I couldn't NOT post because, well, Brandi's big brown eyes in that picture left me no choice. I LOVE that picture.

So, I guess I can talk about Project Runway. I really wanted Christian to win, because he obviously had so much fun with the challenge and was VERY proud of what he had designed. His enthusiasm was kind of adorable. I can say without question that I would want to strangle him if I had to be around him for an extended period of time, but he has provided the only entertainment this season. I cannot help but pull for him.

Chris's was leopard... green leopard. I cannot back that up, no matter how much the client loved it. Screw it. This challenge was ridiculous. How were the judges even qualified to critique those "garments"? lsakjfajoi3j2ij

Whatever. If you liked Chris's and the judges like Chris's and the client liked Chris's...and it led to you posting that Brandi pic, then maybe it wasn't so bad.

Oh. And, I am still ambivalent about "That Year." I have yet to decide how much I like it. I think it's good, but it could use some tweaking...which isn't going to happen at this point!

Anonymous said...

What's so horrible about THE GYMNAST?

Booknerd said...

Hello, are you new? Lesbians! And the trailer made the movie look all dramatic and sexy and interesting, and it turned out to be none of those things.

Leopard is okay for a wrestling outfit, but I agree that this challenge was ludicrous. It had nothing to do with fashion, but whatever. It got rid of Ricky, and that is the most important part.

I like "That Year" okay, but I can really only listen to it, like, once a month. It's never gonna end up on my favorites list. And maybe she tweaked it before recording it? No? Oh well.

Anonymous said...

Well, I thought it was all of those things when I saw it at OutFest. It won both the Audience and Jury awards that year... Maybe it was better in a theater, but with the general crappy level of gay cinema, I was mucho impressed. But hey, it's your blog! I'm just passing through. Stay warm.