January 4, 2008

It looks like a coffee filter…or a maxi pad.

I watched Runway instead of going to bed last night, so here are some things I have to say:

Okay, damn reality television, as soon as you start focusing on Elisa, we know she’s going home. She got more screen time in the first five minutes than she had all season. And she got hit by a bus! (Or a car, but, whatever. I watched Mean Girls instead of Runway on Wednesday. You know, Regina George gets hit by a bus. Oh whatever.) And of course they saved that revelation for the episode in which Elisa gets eliminated. Always be scared when you learn too much about a contestant. Although I guess you may have at least attempted to fake us out with Sweet P’s confessional, in which she said she wanted to go to Bryant Park and win. That kind of shit usually means it’s time to go! Reality show editors looooove irony.

Kit loooves her model. Marie is cute. None of the models are doing anything for me this season. I kind of loved how Heidi was wearing a black dress, so she totally blended in with the other models on the runway.

Tim Gunn is so cute when he wakes up the contestants. And I love the way he says, “We’re taking a little field trip.” If Tim Gunn woke me up every morning, I would be a happier person. “I just woke up, and Tim was at the door! I didn’t have a bra on!” Marry me, Kit Pistol. I loved how she was so embarrassed to be lookin’ a mess in front of Tim Gunn. I also loved that she made her top out of Kit Kat Bar wrappers.

As much as I still can’t stand Princess Christian, I kind of think his Reese’s peanut butter cup wrapper idea was kind of genius (how many times can I use "kind of" in a sentence?). But they showed that shot of all the unwrapped peanut butter cups in the trash can, and it made me sad. What a waste of those delicious little nuggets. Do you think the dress was all peanut butter greasy, though? Those wrappers are always greasy on the inside. I bet it smelled good anyway.

I loved the playing with candy part, and Kevin was kind of endearing when he barked like a seal after Rami threw him something, and he caught it in his mouth. My favorite part is how the designers get weird and loopy and funny in the workroom.

Chris, the costume genius, won’t work with food on purpose, and Rami admitted he was too afraid to work with food, so I think Jillian is a genius. But she talks so weird, in this high baby voice. I want to love her, but I…can’t. So cute that her model helped her finish the dress, though. I do love unlikely teamwork.

What is Elisa’s daughter’s name? Calliope? Love. It. Okay, Elisa’s is truly a tragic story, and I don’t mean to make light of it, but can we just look at the way in which she actually says, “I got hit by a car”? Look at this! “I took full impact, as a pedestrian, on a Porsche.” That’s not even something a non-native English-speaker would come up with. And she was in a coma for five days! Holy Christ. I hope some good shit happens to her because she was on Project Runway.

What a weird thing to tell Rami his dress looks like Jillian. Does that mean it looks like something Jillian would design or something Jillian would wear? Tim Gunn! Why are confusing me? At any rate, Rami’s dress was pretty bangin’.

Ricky makes me crazy, but I totally dug how his dress looked like a Hershey’s kiss.

“She’s got a silver shower cap on her arm.” “Yes.”

Elisa’s dress was better than Sweet P’s, you bastards. The skirt really did look like a maxi pad.

Damn the return of Crying Ricky next week. Damn it to hell!

More bad lesbian confessions: tell a lesbian you haven't seen Gia, and she looks at you like you just said, "I really like to suck cock." The same thing happens when you say you haven't seen Bound. But then I saw Bound. Let me tell you about overrated. Anyway, I think Allison was like, "Elizabeth Mitchell is hot," and I was like, "Who?" And she was like, "Haven't you seen Gia?" And I was like, "I hate Angelia Jolie." And she was like, "But she plays a lesbian." And I was like, "But I hate her." And she was like, "Do you watch Lost?" And I was like, "No." And she was like, "Oh. Well, Elizabeth Mitchell is hot."

That was fascinating, huh.

I was looking at that "lesbians pick hot girls" list again, and the lesbians think Kelly Clarkson is hotter than Lindsay Lohan. So I guess I'll overlook the Angelina Jolie weirdness. At least they know some things. Also, I am baffled as to how Mia Kirshner made the list and Laurel Holloman didn't. In fact, she's the only principle from The L-Word who didn't, except for Pam Grier. And whoever else joined the cast after the first season. And Laurel Holloman is the hottest non-Jennifer-Beals cast member of that damn lesbo show. She did, however, look truly horrible in that movie with the too-long name I don't want to look up about two girls in love, but that was just the haircut. Tina is a babe and a half. (That movie was baaaaad, but the scenes between Laurel and her ostensibly straight girl were sweet.) Tina is also an a-hole and a half, and that made me sad.


sunnyday04 said...

Wow, I totally feel as though I have failed at being a pop-culture fiend. I had to google almost every name in the bottom part of your post. I have heard of Gia, but have never seen it. I have no real desire to, because I really cannot stand Angelina Jolie as an actress. She seems to be a decent enough human being, but her acting drives me freaking crazy. I have to admit though she was surprisingly good in "A Mighty Heart." For her at her worst rent "Alexander." Very humorous, but not worth sitting through the fifty million hours that the film runs. I have never heard of "Bound." This makes me sad. I still don't want to see it, but I like to know trivial facts. That is kind of who I am... I can kick anyone's ass at Trivial Pursuit: Pop Culture edition. As for the L Word, I have only watched two episodes. So... I am not sure I am quite qualified to formulate an opinion yet. But, from what I've seen... it's not so great. I hated every character. I also didn't think that any of them were attractive at all. I feel as though my opinion might disappoint many a person! Someone said that it was like a lesbian version of Sex and the City... which made me happy, because I am not ashamed of being a SATC fan. But, it was not like that at all except they lived in the city and there were a lot of girls having sex. The similarities end there. It had none of the wit or humor of the aforementioned show. I'll watch the rest of the episodes that I rented, but I have a feeling that I'm not going to be picking up the other seasons. Whatever, I'm still going to the Season 5 premiere in Austin with Sarah. I always love going to Austin.

On Project Runway:
I liked Jillian on this episode. I think she seems rather sweet! She's confident, but in a way that I don't find too annoying. I guess I will have to root for Jillian, Kit and Kevin on the remaining episodes. I still pine for Jack. I'm secretly hoping he will get to comeback for next season. I thought he made some pretty nice looking stuff. I also think Sweet P will be auf'd next episode. I think the challenge has something to do with prom dresses... so it has the potential to not suck, but we will see.

Anyways, this is now long enough to be a blog post in itself.

Booknerd said...

At least tell me you'd heard of Jennifer Beals and Pam Grier. If not, then I would love to kick your ass at Trivial Pursuit. Or! We could team up with some other random internet people for the World Series of Pop Culture on VH1. I loved that shit. I hope they do it again.

Anyway, yeah, I heard all this "lesbian Sex and the City" bananas when The L-Word premiered, and it is totally a load of crap. Sex and the City was funny and charming and irritating, and The L-Word is mostly irritating, but Dana and Alice were funny sometimes. And, you know, it had the hot girl draw. I think The L-Word takes itself too seriously, which Sex and the City never did, which is why it was better, despite the lack of lesbians. (That time Samantha was doing that woman for a week does not count.) So, yeah, if you've watched the first two episodes, and you don't like it, I'd discontinue. It doesn't really get much better after that. I think.