January 24, 2008

Frantic update!

Kit Pistol wears glasses when sketching!
(thanks, Sunny.)

Hello! Did I even watch this show? Kit was supposed to be my favorite. That brings the blonde girls in glasses total up to four:
Kit Pistol
Rachael Harris
Jillian's model
mysterious gas station girl

Which is, absurdly enough, higher than my brunette girls in glasses total of three:
Tina Fey
that girl at Bath & Body Works I have a stupid crush on
Kelly Clarkson, at times

Of course, the redheads in glasses in the shortest list:
Ingrid Michaelson

We can probably leave mysterious gas station girl off the list, because I'll never see her again, but she is the one who made me catch myself in my lie.

Wow. I feel ridiculously shallow.


sunnyday04 said...

Haha, I love this post. So. Much.

You know what I was thinking? What if one of these lesser celebrities like the "100 calorie pack" lady or Kit Pistol like googled themselves and landed here. All of them would know how awesome you were. And by awesome, I mean crazy. Haha.

You would probably make their life complete. They do have fans out there! Yay!

By the way. I'm stealing "Frantic Update" from you and incorporating it into my daily life. Thank you for your cooperation. :P

Booknerd said...

Hey, hey, hey. Who says I can't be awesome and crazy? Huh?

Glad I could amuse you, anyway.