November 24, 2008

Let's talk about why I hate Twilight

The girl keeps having to be saved over and over by the boy.

The boy is a stalker, and the girl just thinks that's romantic. Seriously, the vampire breaks into her house every night, and watches her sleep. First of all, that severely violates vampire mythology, because vampires cannot come in unless they have been invited. Which I know because I watched Buffy. Second of all, that is the creepiest thing I have ever heard of, and if Bella had a lick of sense she would run all the way back to Phoenix.

The boy is mean to the girl, not because he's a vampire, but because he's a boy, and she's a pitiful female who can't keep track of her own feet and keeps needing to be rescued.

I read somewhere that Stephenie Meyer is a Mormon and has admitted to using her novels to promote abstinence. Whatever, abstinence is fine--I just think writing a story about vampires as a metaphor for waiting to have sex till you're married is gross.

Knowing that Stephenie Meyer is a Mormon makes passages like this one take on a disturbingly allegorical tone: "Just because we've been dealt a certain hand it doesn't mean that we can't choose to rise above--to conquer the boundaries of a destiny that none of us wanted. To try to retain whatever essential humanity we can." This is doubtless almost certainly my reading too much into this, but I can't help it. Religious people who think homosexuality is wrong tend to believe that perhaps you can be born gay, but you shouldn't act on those impulses. Even if you're born that way, you can deny that part of yourself. And I bet for some Mormons (and other religious zealots), homosexuals are just as depraved as vampires.

And finally, if Bella makes one more reference to how achingly beautiful Edward is, I will vomit up everything I have ever eaten in my life and mail it in a ziploc bag to Stephenie Meyer herself.

So I haven't finished it yet, and I don't even really want to, but I've never abandoned a book after reading this far, and I sure won't start now. But one thing I really don't understand is why lesbians love these books. I know of two personally, and I'm sure there are more. I mean, I love a good heterosexual love story, but this is...not a good heterosexual love story, and even if the love story part were interesting, the main female character sucks! She's timid and clueless and likes being rescued and stalked and is entirely co-dependent. What is there to admire or identify with here?

Please, lesbians, tell me. What is there in Twilight for you? (I get it. Kristen Stewart is hot. THAT IS NOT ENOUGH.)

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