August 31, 2008

Things I want to eat

Sushi: California roll, spider roll, dragon roll, rainbow roll, tuna with avocado roll
Cheesy gordita crunch
Crunch wrap supreme
Nachos with fake cheese
Nachos with real cheese
Macaroni and cheese
Guacamole (only if homemade or from the Cheesecake Factory)
Mashed potatoes

I would also like to feel better in time to go to a motherfucking Red Sox game. I have a whole month. Oh lord. If I'm not better in a month, I'll probably be dead.

August 30, 2008

My mom talks a lot during movies

I saw the pants movie with my mom today, which is about all the excitement I can handle in one day, and it was exactly what I expected it would be, cheesy fluff featuring four pretty, pretty ladies. Amber Tamblyn is the best when she's being funny; Alexis Bledel will never be anything but Rory Gilmore (but she's pretty, so I don't care); America Ferrera is the hottest; and Gossip Girl starts on Monday, so Blake Lively is my current favorite. Goodness, she's so beautiful. And! They left out the Bridget messes around with a married man part of her storyline, so that was a big plus for the movie as far as I was concerned. Plus, the hot foreign lady they got to play her archaeological mentor was hot. And foreign. Two thumbs up. Oh my! And it was Blythe Danner as her grandma. I was like, "Hey, that lady looks like Blythe Danner." I'm a genius.

The movie tried to squish all three of the sequels into one thing, more or less, and I remember almost nothing from books two and three, and I read the fourth book in May, and that's a little shaky, but on the whole, I think it did a pretty admirable job. Not like the books are that great--but I still remember being all, "Well, that's not how it happened in the book" during the movie. I can't help it--it's a complusion. Though, I have no idea what I was thinking that in reference to.

Let's talk about Sarah Palin, shall we?

I don't even know if I can get this all out, but, like... What a ri-god-damn-diculous choice for vice president. I was watching The Daily Show last night, and they had an actual clip of this woman saying something like, "I wish I could comment on all this vice president talk, but I can't really say anything until someone tells me what it is the vice president does."


Okay, so we have this issue here that a lot of Hillary supporters don't want to vote for Obama, so maybe it would seem like kind of a good idea for McCain to pick a woman as his running mate. The thing about Hillary supporters, though, that the Republicans don't get is that they're not behind Hillary because she is a lady. They're behind Hillary because she is Hillary. Plus! He could not have picked a woman who is more politically opposite. I mean, she's anti-choice, pro-drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (the governor of Alaska, people, wants to rape her own state), pro-NRA, and she's a creationist. She has nothing in common with Hillary Clinton except reproductive organs. Which was basically the point they made on The Daily Show.

How condescending is that, by the way? There are a block of voters who want a woman in the White House--we'll just pick a woman! Any woman will do! Oh! The best thing on The Daily Show was Samantha Bee's final word on the VP selection: "McCain knows that women don't vote with the big head--they vote with the little hood."

Not to mention she hasn't even been governor of Alaska for two years, and McCain's whole attack on Obama is that he doesn't have enough experience to lead the country. If you're running on experience, how smart is it to pick a second-in-command who's still wet behind the ears? It would seem that by picking this woman, McCain has totally doomed his chances, but... This country is terrifying.

But, really, there have to be other Republican women who have more experience than Palin. Why on earth did he pick her? There is nothing whatsoever to recommend her. You've already secured the religious right, Republicans. Do you really need someone who believes in teaching creationism in public schools on your ticket?

Listen. This woman cannot be our first female anything. And John McCain is old, people--what if he were to die in office? If Sarah Palin became the first female President of the United States of America, I would move to France. That's right, France. Because America hates France. Or maybe Spain. Just beacuse it would be easier to be somewhere I speak the language.

I hate that I have to bash this woman, too, because this country needs more women in high political office, but I mean... I can't just support her because of that. She is everything I hate about Republicans. How can a woman be anti-choice? (I can understand a woman being anti-abortion, but how can she deny other women the right to make that decision for themselves? How?) How can the governor of Alaska support destroying the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge? How can a mother of four oppose gun control?

Also. People keep saying she looks like Tina Fey! Stop comparing her to Tina Fey! Tina Fey would be a much better first female vice president!

If Barack Obama is not the next President of the United States, I do not know what will become of me.

August 25, 2008

More baseball, minimal Sox talk

Once upon a time, the Toronto Blue Jays were good. They must have actually been better than the Yankees and the Red Sox at least one year, because I can just barely remember their being in the World Series against...the Braves? (Not because I was wicked young or anything, but because I was only marginally aware of baseball in the '90s. My dad was a Yankees' fan, and that's all I knew.) The one time I went to Cooperstown, I bought a Blue Jays hat, because I was obsessed with collecting baseball caps at the time, and I liked the logo, and it must have been the summer after they were in the World Series. (Did they even win? I do not know.)

Anyway, these days, the Blue Jays suck, despite the fact that they totally murdalized Boston the other day--that was painiful--and their logo is so lame now, with the angry bird and the letter J. Or is it a T? I don't know. Maybe it's both! How clever.

Ahem. So the point of this story is that I found this description of the team on stubhub kind of hilarious:

"The Blue Jays are a Toronto tradition. Their fans keep showing up to games despite the fact that the Yankees and Red Sox have been winning a lot lately. Whenever those two teams come to town, fans of the Jays get extra jazzed up and the whole community of Toronto rallies for the 'Outsiders.' This year, the Toronto Blue Jays are for real."

Mostly that last part cracked me up. The Blue Jays are "for real." (Not for fake.) Okay, so they're not in last place anymore, and they seem to always be able to beat the Yankees and the Red Sox (infruriatingly!), but this year is...not their year.

Also, I have been in Toronto twice this baseball season, and the Blue Jays were on road trips both times, so I hate them, because it is my dream to see a game in every major league stadium somehow, and they're making it really difficult for me. (I'm 2 for...30 as of this writing.)

Oh. The other thing: there were plenty of Blue Jays fans at the Rogers Center when the Red Sox were in town this weekend, but I could see and hear a sizeable portion of Red Sox nation there. It wasn't as bad as it is at Camden Yards, but... I think the Blue Jays fans might have been outnumbered.

I probably totally don't have that hat anymore, which is sad. It was fitted and all official, just like the players wore. They must have won the World Series--otherwise I'm sure I never would have even heard of them.

August 22, 2008

Did it really take 5 seasons for this?

Of course Joe can't handle the queens. Jesus Christ, you're a fashion designer--you'd best love the gays. If you're straight and a designer, you should be able to be into the drag queens and not worry that it makes you look like less of a man. Because, come on, fashion design is not the most stereotypically masculine thing in the world, so fuck it. How did he win? His sailor suit or whatever was hids. Korto should have had that for sure.

And Daniel was a turd, so I won't miss him. But I didn't like Keith either. So. Hopefully he'll be gone next week.

I have to say I kind of have a crush on Leeanne, against my better judgment. Why, you ask? Guess.

Yes. It's the totally nerdy glasses. They make me swoon. Also, she totally lampooned Blayne's "licious" fetish, so she gets big points for that. "If I hear that word one more time, I'm gonna barf. And that would be barflicious, I guess." Well done.

Oh my, that queen, LeMay, who was all, "I don't need costumes--look at this" like she was so foine. And, um, she was not. The gay boys are always like that, thinking they're the hottest of the hot no matter what. I guess it's good to have self-confidence, but...that's like dillusionally conceited.

Also, I wasn't paying attention, I guess, when Heidi introduced the guest judge, but at some point, I was like, "Holy shit, is that actually Ru Paul?" She looked like crap, you guys. That wig was a disaster--did she steal that from Tyra Banks's trash? And what is with the sunken in cheeks? What happened to you, Ru Paul?

August 21, 2008

A League of Their Own

Did Dottie drop the ball on purpose? Discuss.

When forming your opinion (or backing it up or whatever), here are two points in the movie I believe are important to keep in mind:
1. At the very beginning, old lady Dottie tells her older grandson to go easy on his little brother and tells the younger to murdalize (as my little brothers would say) his older brother while they're playing basketball.
2. Somewhere in the middle of the film we see Dottie make the exact same play: she covers the plate; the runner bowls her over, and she hangs onto the ball.

What do we make of these things? I think it's pretty significant, too, that Dottie has the ball in her bare hand; it doesn't get knocked out of her glove by the impact--her hand opens, and it rolls out. That at least looks an awful lot like losing on purpose, but there is the nagging fact that she would be letting down an entire team of women she's obviously fond of after coming back for the last game of the World Series. She came back, so the game and the team must have been important to her.

But. Is her baby sister more important?

I still don't know what I've decided. Anyone have an opinion?

August 19, 2008

Things I don't need

Who loves me enough to buy this for me?

August 2008: Worst. Month. Ever.

So I have mono. I blame Melissa and that carton of fried rice she let me finish. I totally forgot she'd had mono earlier in the spring. And apparently mono can be contagious for up to eighteen months after your symptoms are gone! MADNESS. Also, I read this thing that suggested waiting six months until you open mouth kiss someone. That's also madness. Good thing I don't have anyone around here to open mouth kiss, I suppose.

Anyway, this mono has effectively ruined my summer. I had some fun things planned for the next few weeks, and I don't think I can really do any of them. Maybe the Pirates marathon if I'm feeling up to it. But those rickety roller coasters at Canobie Lake probably wouldn't be good for my spleen. And forget that trip to see my grandparents and my baby cousin--I can't give old people and infants mono. Good grief. Though, I would probably have to open mouth kiss them all to spread it, it's better not to take chances, I'm thinking. Maybe I can see them at Christmas. Jake will be so big by then! Oh, god, listen to me, gushing about babies. But he is the cutest, you guys. The cutest.

Probably one of the worst things about this disease is that it makes you tired all the time, right, but I can't sleep. Every time I doze off, I wake up like an hour later with my mouth all dry, because my sinuses are clogged, and I can't breathe. Plus, it's hard to fall asleep in the first place because my tonsils are so swollen it hurts to swallow, and I don't know if you know this, but you swallow all the time, even when you're trying to fall asleep. Or at least I do.

The weird thing is that my doctor kept telling me "no contact sports!" I was like, "Yeah, okay, I'm not in high school; my sports playing days are over." By "no contact sports," did she mean "no sex"? Since mono is known as the kissing disease, I would think that sex would be implicitly off the table. Don't need to spell it out for me. Even euphemistically.

August 17, 2008

Jock crush!

So the Olympics are awesome, huh? Crazy baseball rules, scantily clad women... Let's talk about the latter, shall we? I finally caught some women's beach volleyball today, and oh, it was lovely. Now I have a new object of affection.
Nicole Branagh may have just blown the set for her and Elaine Youngs, preventing them from getting to the medal round, but that's ok. She is a babe.
The one match I saw her play, she did not impress me, but she made it to the Olympics so she must be pretty good.
She and her partner, Elaine Youngs, were getting kinda mouthy with each other towards the end--can you even imagine the pressure of playing in the Olympics to get into the medal round? Plus, they were playing against a Chinese team, so I bet it was crazy in there.

Oh well. Better luck next time, Nicole.

August 15, 2008

Have I even talked about baseball at all?

I do not think so. I have Twittered about the Sox, but that's about it. I'm sure that I'll have obsessive blog posts come October. Uh, hopefully. Seriously, where did the Tampa Bay Rays even come from?

But anyway, I don't actually want to talk about the Sox today. I want to talk about Olympic baseball. The U.S. is playing Cuba right now, and it's the eleventh inning, tied three to three, and apparently, brand new this year, in the eleventh inning, each team starts with runners on first and second and no one out, and they can pick where they want to start in the lineup.


No, seriously, what kind of blernsball madness is this? This is, like, a fake rule. And Cuba just scored two runs because of the bonus base runners! Is this to prevent games from going into a million extra innings? Does that often happen in Olympic baseball? I've never even seen Olympic baseball before.

Also, where do the Olympic baseball players come from for this country? Not the major league. The minor league? College? I know basketball gets the pros, because it's not basketball season during the Olympics. Well, it is WNBA season, but they only play, like, what, twenty games? Because there are, like, twelve teams. No, I don't know. That's a horrible understatement. But anyway, the WNBA's season is shorter than the NBA's, so they can take some time off to go to the Olympics. But who are these baseball players?

This is madness. Starting the eleventh inning with two bonus base runners! Who came up with that?

August 14, 2008

Another dream diary entry

Oh my god. I keep meaning to tell Allison this story, because she's the only person I know who watches So You Think You Can Dance (and is in fact the reason I started watching it), but I always forget, so she's gonna have to hear it here. Maybe.

Anyway. Some nights ago, I had a dream about Cat Deeley, the awesomest host of a reality show ever. At the beginning of the dream, someone in my family had brought her over to set her up with my uncle (except that...none of the other people in my dream were actually members of my family--it was like I had a whole different dream family, which was so weird), so we all went out to dinner at a restaurant in downtown Nashua that only exists in my dreams. This whole thing was more surreal than dreams usually are, in that none of it was based in reality whatsoever. There wasn't a single person or place in there that I actually knew, and yet in the dream it was understood that these people were my family, and this place was in Nashua, right at the top of Main Street.

Okay, so really, the point of this story was that at some point during dinner, I started getting all friendly with Cat Deeley, and she sat herself down in my lap (!) and then later asked me to marry her (!!). I don't even know what my response was, but I remember feeling some dream guilt because I was seeing someone. What? It is a dream, and Cat Deeley is on my lap, and the dream me decides I have a girlfriend so I can't go for it?

The dream me is weak.

August 12, 2008

Irrational fears and board games

Do you know what makes me super uncomfortable? Playing a game you don't know how to play with a bunch of people who have been playing this game, like, their entire lives. Seriously, just thinking about it makes me break out in hives, because I have a deathly fear of making a mistake in front of people. And when you're playing a game that for everyone else around you is second nature, it's easy to make a mistake and get PUBLICLY RIDICULED for it, because to them it seems so easy. But to you, you're all confused. And I fear nothing more than looking dumb in front of people. So much so that I'd rather just lose than risk making an incorrect play. Let me learn the game first! Then I will kick your ass.

This is not to say that I do not do the EXACT SAME THING to people who are trying to learn a game I can play in my sleep. I never pretended I wasn't a hypocrite.

In other news, since summer is almost over, I'm trying to compile a playlist of summer tunes. What're your faves for summer? Um, if anyone is still reading this anyway. Maybe if I really want input, I should find more direct ways of contacting people...

If anyone says "I Kissed a Girl," she dies.

August 9, 2008

In transition

Some things about this month are just no fun. Chief among them is my mysterious cold/possible sinus infection that doesn't really inhibit my breathing, but it makes me cough and sometimes feel light-headed. And sometimes my ears feel clogged. But I think it's getting better. So...I've been kind of a Debbie Downer this month cuz of that. I think I'm feelin' happier.

Today I got to see Jen, and we went to Newport, and I got Del's frozen lemonade, and oh that did wonders for my mood. Then I got to talk to Jess, albeit briefly (for a conversation with Jess, anyway), and we just may be able to do our Pirates marathon and go to Canobie Lake before the end of the summer.

And then! My grandparents called me today, but I missed the call. I wonder what they want. Hopefully they want to see me Labor Day weekend. That would be good.

This is, like, the lamest blog entry ever, but I got sick of not updating. So I guess I'll just post shiz like this until I get back into the swing of things. Bear with me, the three of you. Please?

August 8, 2008

My favorite novelist

"'You're a funny kid,' Zach tells Vicky: 'a mixture of goody-goody little Miss Prunes, and quite a gal. I look forward to knowing you in five years.' Trust us, Zach, there's all this crap about dolphins and lovers and telekenesis and it's AWESOME."

From a fond look back on The Moon by Night, courtesy of Lizzie at Jezebel.

August 1, 2008

A brief Runway rundown

Okay, I know there are probably plenty of (brainless) people who found Tim Gunn trying to say "holla atcha boy" hilarious and charming and whatever, but I just found it horrifying. Though I guess it was a little cute that he enunciated all the words, "holler at your boy" as only Tim Gunn would. But the really hilarious thing was that when he was like, "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" all Blayne could say was, "You know, it's like holla atcha dawgs!" Like, thanks for the clarification, bonehead. I don't think anyone ever explained it to him, but I stopped listening, because it was making me uncomfortable.

Blayne is my least favorite.

Stella is all I had hoped Sweet P would be.

I don't remember who any of the rest of these people are--but I do remember that I thought every single dress in the last challenge was hideous. Especially the one that won, with the tulle. And Sandra Bernhard was nowhere near as smartassed as I was hoping she would be.

Heidi's still hot, though, and I still love Nina Garcia. Oh yes I do.