December 24, 2008

The Florida Chronicles, Part Three

So we did some other stuff around Tampa, too, including going to see some real live manatees at Apollo Betch and visiting two Gulf Coast beaches. Mostly, it was just fun to get out of New England and to hang out with the Potato.
Anyway, the other best part of this trip came on our last night there when we were driving home from the beach. We drove through this intersection where there'd been an accident, and then Carlos looked up and said, "Huh. O'Boobigan's!" He had found an Irish pub called O'Boobigan's. Since it was dark and stuff, we decided to return in the morning for a photo op:
Then we went to the beach one last time before dragging ourselves to the airport. We drove by Raymond James again, where the Buccs game was just getting underway, and oh how we wanted to snag some tickets from the scalpers at the strip club and forget our flights. Plus, getting home was a mess for both of us, and I got home right after the giant snow storm ended. Boo.
Other things: our rental car was from Missouri, and I wish I had remembered to take a picture. Hertz charged us an extra hundred bucks for being under 25, which is just painful, because we're almost 25! Boo. I was the driver, and Tater was the navigator, and I must say, while I generally loathe automatic transmission, it was nice not to have to worry about shifting when I wasn't sure where I was going.

It was a good vacation. I would like to go back, except I think I'd like to go to Disney World again more. But Disney World is fucking expensive. Oh well. Disney World or Hawaii. Who's in?

If you're so inclined, you can see all my Florida pictures here.

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