March 13, 2008

Lazy Thursday

So! I took today off from work, and it was magnificent. I slept till 1:30, made pigs in blankets, watched American Idol (I love it when they get rid of the boys first), went to the Y, and then went out to dinner with my dad and my brother. Now I am watching Arctic Tale, which Netflix recommended to me. I was reading the description, and I was like, "Awww, polar bears," and then, "narrated by Queen Latifah? I'm in!" Then, while I was waiting for it to get here, I saw this brief excerpt from Roger Ebert's review: "It attributes human emotions and motivations to its central animals. Its music instructs us how to feel." Usually, I hate that kind of bananas, but not when we're talking about animals! I love stories that anthropomorphize animals--I can't help it. It's the one thing I get all sappy about.

I have tomorrow off too, so maybe I'll finally watch Elizabeth: The Golden Age, but I keep hearing that it was kinda crappy. Boo.

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