March 9, 2008

Stale blog

I've lost the will to update this thing ever since I banned myself from doing it at work, but I did write half an entry at work the other day in a Word document. Then I put the file on my iPod, but my iPod is in my car, and I don't feel like going to get it. So now for something completely different!

So I'm reading this book called Girl Meets Boy, which is a retelling of the myth of Iphis, which is in Ovid's Metamorphoses, which is another piece of important ancient literature I've never read but should have since millions of later pieces of literature were based on these stories. Er, at least some of Chaucer's poems were, anyway. I can't remember what else. Shakespeare probably used something or other from Ovid. Anyway! One of the main characters falls for a girl, and the other main character, her sister, freaks out a little bit and tries to figure out how Anthea became "a gay." The best reason she comes up with is this: "(She chose the video of Spiceworld with Sporty Spice on the limited edition tin.)" Fuckin' hilarious, but my first response to this was, "Is that real?" Maybe it is in the UK, but, like, I kind of want one now. Anyway, I loved that, because Sporty Spice played a key role in my lesbianic development. Thanks, Mel!

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