August 15, 2007

Dyked out

Last night, I took my mom to see the Indigo Girls and Brandi Carlile, and it was amazing. Brandi, specifically was amazing, and I mean no disrespect to Amy Ray and Emily Saliers, but I'm not in love with them, so let me talk about Brandi. First, she said the best thing--she was talking about how we were a great crowd, and then she said, "And you're an Indigo Girls crowd, my favorite crowd" or something, which obviously meant, "lesbians." She loves lesbians. And she said something else about how she's been an Indigo Girls fan for ten years and gone to their shows, so she knows "a few things" about the Indigo Girls crowds. Lesbians. Come on! So after last night, I am more convinced that she's a big ol' dyke, but until she actually says, "I'm gay," I'm going to have this doubt because of my historically terrible gaydar.

So Brandi did her set, and she was amazing, and then she came back on for a few songs with the Indigo Girls, and you could tell how hard she loved that, singing with this band she'd loved since she was a kid. She was doing harmonies, but there were times when she'd totally lip sync along when it wasn't her turn to sing, and I effing loved that. It was like they pulled one of the people up in the crowd to sing with them, except better, because it was Brandi Carlile. She got to sing a verse of "Closer to Fine," the one I love about seeking clarity in a bar, and I lost my mind. I love girls who sing folkish rock 'n roll. They slay me.

My mom loved her and even whispered that perhaps she was better than the Indigo Girls. Such blasphemy. But I think it's true. I think it mostly has to do with her voice, which is so entirely unique and beautiful, and I just shivered, just now, thinking about it. Then my mom said she looks like Lindsay Lohan, and everything was ruined.

Anyway, I am so glad I already have tickets to see her again in Boston. And Jess loves her almost as much as I do, so it is sure to be a good time. And finally I will be taking a girl to a lesbo show and not Mike or my mom. Even if it is just Jess.

Oh, oh! And as she was ending her set, she talked about how they'd be in Boston in October, and we should all go, because "we could use some girls there." And by "girls," she really meant "lesbians." Obviously. Because of course there will be girls there. And of course there will be lesbians there, but we're the ones she wants!

Okay, I'm done.

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