May 9, 2008

Apparently, I blog about Grey's Anatomy every week

Okay, so Grey’s was pretty stupid last night, except for poor gay Santiago and his gay soldier boyfriend. The thing that bugged me the most, though, was Bailey’s reaction to the date-and-tell bananas. When George told her she was the only person in the entire hospital exempt from filling out the form, I was like, “That’s right! Bailey is awesome!” because Dr. Bailey is clearly the only professional person in that entire motherfucking hospital. Why? Because she is the only one who knows better than to fuck around with someone she works with. But then she got all offended! Like, because she doesn’t have to fill out the form, she obviously is incapable of finding a man to date her! That is NOT how Miranda Bailey would have reacted. JESUS CHRIST, what is happening to the awesome women on this show?

Another thing, there was one woman in the gaggle of nurses at the end who clearly, clearly has never slept with a man in her life, so why even was she there?
Female solidarity? I could see that.

“I don’t make friends easily. I’m awkward, and I’m bad at small talk, and I generally don’t like people I don’t know. And I have a big crush on this hot straight girl I work with.” Hahn didn’t say that last part, but it is also something we have in common! We’re exactly the same. Except she’s a heart surgeon, and I am a professional proofreader. Only a slight difference there, really.

Also, laughing? Not the appropriate response, you boob! But it’s probably what I would have done too. See? The same!

But there was no denial—from either of them—so it’s totally going to happen. The soldier boys making out was just a preview of the explosion of gay that’s about to come on this show that has forgotten about its one gay recurring character. I miss you, Joe. Now that I remembered you in the first place.

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