May 14, 2008

I love women

The best thing I have ever read, and I am not even exaggerating a little tiny bit: “If the infinite blowjobs of high school were replaced with infinite cunnilingus, I think the result would be Tina Fey automatically becoming our next President. Like within a week of the new rule, this would happen. Read Lysistrata! Tell your friends! Girls of the world, it is cool! Start demanding your right to oral sex, it is awesome!”

This is from Jacob Clifton, who recaps Gossip Girl for Television Without Pity, and who I think is so awesome I should probably email him and tell him so, but for some reason I just don’t do things like that. And it would probably have been the best thing I’ve ever read even if he didn’t manage to work in Tina Fey ruling the world, because, oh my. One of my favorite parts of last week’s Gossip Girl was that when Jenny Humphrey was lying about the sexual activities she and big gay Asher had engaged in, she said, “We went to third,” and one of the bitches was like, “You went to third?” and Jenny’s like, “Oh, no. He did.” Like, yes! It is so much better if you get your boy to go down on you than if you give out blowjobs with no reciprocation. Please, please learn this, young straight women of the world.


sunnyday04 said...

I do hope that all of the straight women who read your blog learned something from your post. I know there are many out there.



I think you should email that dude that does the recaps. Sometimes recaps can be too funny for words. I love Television Without Pity, but, um, I'm just not sure I'm cool enough to watch Gossip Girl. I'm working on it though.

This post mentioned Tina Fey, so I guess I can mention other things Fey.

I still haven't seen Baby Mama. Shit fuck.

And I watched last week's 30 Rock today and it was really funny.

Oh. And I promise I'm going to write you back at some point soon.

Allison said...


Go out and get yours!

Booknerd said...

Heh. I know my readership consists entirely of lesbians (all two of you), but sometimes I just can't help myself pretending that I'm actually talking to the entire world on this thing.

My delusions of grandeur are hard to destroy.

And go see Baby Mama already. Much more important than Gossip Girl.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I read your blog (sometimes, though not faithfully) and I am not exactly a lesbian. In fact, you'll tell me straight forward that I am NOT a les! What an insult!! How dare you ASSUME I do not like women! It is an outrage, is what it is.... (though I suppose it is mostly true, on some level....)

And yay for delusions of grandeur! Sigmund would be proud.