May 2, 2008

Once again, I have nothing to do but dissect lesbian subtext on television

Oh no! It’s Hahn who has the unrequited crush! I have to say I really didn’t see that coming.
But it’s not really unrequited, is it?
All right, it’s become apparent that Callie and Hahn totally dig each other in the fun way, but Callie’s not cool with it. Why? She has terrible taste in men—Hahn would be, like, an upgrade and a half. I wish Addison were sticking around so she could talk some sense into Callie; their friendship is one of the things I miss most about when this show was good.
What I don’t understand is why there’s still this rumor of hooking Hahn up with Cristina. Cristina is probably the least gay character on that show, with Meredith just behind her. Or ahead of her. Whatever.
(Even though this picture I just grabbed of them is lookin’ a little subtexty…or that could just be me. It probably is.)

Also! Everyone’s like “Hahn is such a lesbian,” blah blah, but seriously, the first thing she said to Cristina this season was, “I sleep with men.” She did. That’s what she motherfucking said. Lesbians don’t sleep with men. Sometimes they pretend they do, because they’re scared, but Hahn doesn’t seem like the type to be scared. Or like the type to be bisexual but say things like, “I sleep with men, so don’t try any of your sleeping with your mentor tricks on me, Yang.” (I paraphrased the last bit.) Does anyone but me remember that part? I think I remember it because it was such a letdown, because, I mean, Hahn is pretty dykey, no matter her words to the contrary.

Seriously, Cristina and Burke’s relationship was so one of the worst things about the show. I am so glad Isaiah Washington turned out to be a homophobic asshole and got himself fired. Brooke Smith, as I said before: upgrade and a half.
But back to the lady on lady action. Callie’s turning into a whore for Sloan is only okay if she’s not so much afraid that she’s attracted to Hahn, but worried that Hahn wouldn’t see her that way. Then I could understand being all, no, no, I’m straight. STRAAAAAAAAAIGHT. So Hahn doesn’t know how she feels, and she doesn’t embarrass herself and get her heart broken. Uh, not that I have any idea what that might be like.
(Notice how she’s still totally looking at Hahn while she dances with Mark…)

Oy. I don’t know why I care so much. Even if anything does happen, it’ll end two episodes into next season. Fuck you, network television! Fuck you!

Still, if Brooke Smith and Sara Ramirez make out just once, it’ll all be worth it. They are that hot.

In related news, how sad am I that the other foxiest lady of Seattle Grace has apparently left for good? I miss you again, Kate Walsh!
(Even more now that this picture made me remember that you would wear glasses sometimes.)

For some reason I thought Private Practice had been canceled, which it should have been because it sucks! Bring Kate back to Grey’s where she belongs!


sunnyday04 said...

Oh man, I love your in depth analysis on things so trivial and unimportant in the big scheme of things--and yet so integral to your enjoyment of the show. It reminds me of me. :P

Booknerd said...

Well, really. I've been waiting four seasons for something lesbionic to happen on this show. After a while, the fact that the ladies were smokin' hot was just not enough.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I guess I need to watch Grey's again, because I have totally missed out on all of this shit.

PS-- Kate Walsh = hot; Sara Ramirez = hot. But Hahn....? Not so hot.

Just my opinion!!!!