May 20, 2008

Gayin' it up for serious

Oh my god, something actually lesbionic actually happened on Grey’s this week. I wasn’t even expecting it! And I may have watched it twenty or thirty times since it originally happened. What? I said I wanted nothing more than for Sara Ramirez and Brooke Smith to make out, and I got my wish!

Well, kinda. The kiss, while it lasted much longer than lesbian kisses on network tv usually do, was one-sided. Callie just kind of stood there, shocked. So I am hoping for something better on Thursday. Because you know me—never satisfied with what I have.

But anyway. Callie is clearly, clearly into it, but she won’t deal with it. Get over yourself already, Torres, and stop having sex with Sloane. Hahn is hot. And seriously when she was all, "He’s thinking about a threesome. He has been all day," I was like, "Are you sure that wasn’t you?"
"And then somehow the third person just kind of…faded away?"
Also, the other best part when was Mark was like, "So a threesome with Hahn, huh? Nice pick," and he went on about reaching across the OR table and yanking her mask off and just grabbing a hunk of her blonde hair, getting Callie all worked up. You know you want her, Torres.
So let’s go, ladies. Get it on for real. You have two whole hours to do it this week!

Oh gross. I just watched the teaser for this week, and it has naked Callie with naked Sloane. Which, okay, naked Callie—yay! But please get rid of the man already. No one’s buyin’ it, Torres.
And apparently some other stuff happened on the show this week, too, but...I didn't give a rat's ass about it once there were actual girls kissing!

That's a flaw I have.

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