May 1, 2008

Outgaying myself, part seventeen (at the very least)

So today! I totally dyked out and voted in the AfterEllen Hot 100, because I love lists of hot ladies. And when the list of hot ladies actually includes, like, A LOT of ladies I find attractive, it’s even better!

I know I already posted, like, eighty lists of girls I find attractive, but I wanted to share my ballot of ten hot ladies anyway:

Tina Fey
Kelly Clarkson
Brandi Carlile
Sara Ramirez
Jennifer Beals
Keri Russell
Rose Rollins
Lena Headey
Bridget McManus
Jill Bennett

It occurs to me now that I should have put Sarah Warn in there and then started a campaign on the site’s forums to get all the other lesbians to vote for her, because how bad would that embarrass her? Plus, she’s hot. However, I do not have that kind of activist fervor. I like to think of things, imagine how they’d be, and then not do anything to make them happen. How useless am I, eh?

Okay, so I don’t know if I can convey how much the fact that I do not like Tegan & Sara distresses me. Mostly because I have straight friends who love them. Also, all my dyke friends do. I am, like, the only one! But then. I saw they did an iTunes Live Sessions thing, so I listened to the 30-second clips, because really. It distresses me. And! I have discovered that I do like them—I don’t like their album production bananas. The Live Sessions is basically unplugged, and they sound so much better that way. So I bought it and stuff, and now I really like the song “Back in Your Head.”

The end.


sunnyday04 said...

I am so proud of you! Tegan and Sara are terrific. And they are terrificly funny. It's also incredibly coincidental that I actually posted on that other forum that I won't mention about how my favorite song today is the "back in your head" acoustic version. Crazy. I've been playing it on my guitar all day.

Ever since the UK, I've been on a T&S kick. Their lyrics are amazing.

And, Grey's Anatomy is tonight. And I'm very excited about Addison's return.

Booknerd said...

That's a fun coincidence. Does it mean I have good taste?

sunnyday04 said...

absolutely not.

Booknerd said...

Does that mean you don't have good taste either, then? Or are you just mean? Mean!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Tegan & Sara. Alexandra got me into them. I have a whole list of my favorite songs now - Wake Up Exhausted; I Know, I Know, I Know; Walking with a Ghost; So Jealous..... and that one that reminds me of Brandi Carlile. I can't remember the name. I swear you have GOT to listen to it! I think of you and Brandi everytime I hear it.

Ahhhh, I am SOOOOO avoiding work right now.