September 18, 2008

Anxiously awaiting the 25th

Well. I believe walking around with your hands shoved in your pockets was on "the list," yes?
Also, I kind of swoon for the long sleeve shirt under the scrubs top look. On everyone. But mostly Sara.

Okay, okay, also I was just on ABC's official Grey's site, and I noticed this at the bottom of the page in their collage of characters image.
Ignore Justin Chambers's head there, and check the Brooke/Sara laughter. That is totally an outtake from the kiss at the end of last season. I must see that outtake! Someone buy the season 4 DVDs and let me know if they include outtakes. And then let me borrow the special features disc. Cuz I already iTunes'd season 4 because I was jonesin' for more Brooke Smith action, and I was not about to watch Silence of the Lambs again to get my fix of that (eesh), so I will not be buying the DVDs this time. I am not that insane. Anymore.

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