September 2, 2008

If you must insist on the comparison

You know, maybe Tina Fey could enlighten Sarah Palin as to what it is the Vice President of the United States of America does. There was this one "Update" when she was talking about Al Gore (so it was one of her first ones ever), and she said something like, "What most people don't know is that he's also the President of the Senate, so he sits up there on a throne with a lion," and maybe there was something else, but I forget, and it made me laugh so, so hard.

I used to have all the Jimmy and Tina "Update"s on my computer, but then it died, and I never recovered them, and that was a very sad day in my life, because the website that provided them totally doesn't have them up anymore. And! I can't even find a transcript of it, so...maybe I'm making it all up!

Your decision. Choose wisely.

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