September 19, 2008

Funny things I read today

I forgot about Rich at fourfour. He also posts hilarious Top Model recaps:

"[Tyra:] 'It's a message for everybody. Shiny fabric is not your friend!' Luckily, this being a reality show, shiny fabric isn't here to make friends." (Clearly, the gays have the Top Model market cornered.)

I love a girl who laughs at monkeys:
"I find that most things are funnier live. Except for monkey's sniffing their own butt and falling out of a tree. That's the only thing that translates. When you see monkeys scratching their ass and falling out of a tree live, you laugh, and when you see them on YouTube, you laugh." --Amy Poehler

Oh, little J:
"Taylor Momsen should smack whoever authorized that shag; she also might want to think about relaxing, wiping off some of that eyeliner, and simply being 15 instead of trying to leapfrog into her late twenties. Dakota Fanning should take her bowling." --The Fug Girls

Unintentional humor:
"My name is Diana, and I care." --A former classmate's away message

Okay, this is not so much funny, but I just discovered that Kenley actually said she doesn't listen to Tim Gunn Wednesday night. Oh, that is the mortal sin of Runway. And it's usually the death knell. Why is Kenley still there?

1 comment:

LYDIA said...

I am sorry I have left numerous comments, but I love GoFugYourself! I remember that Taylor Momsen post. Good stuff...