June 13, 2007

I'm hooked on you I need a hit I can't take it

I have decided. There is only one American Idol contestant whose studio recordings I enjoy listening to. You're smart. You figure out which one. But! Everyone else I've ever liked on AI, I can't stand listening to their studio-recorded stuff. I adored Tamyra Gray, but her album tanked. I still listen to the bootlegged mp3s of her AI performances all the time, though. And today I found out that iTunes put up the rest of season six's contestants' studio recorded songs, and I got all excited, because I love Melinda, but turns out I only love watching Melinda perform. Her studio-recorded songs bore me. Same thing with Jordin, but I thought that was just her. Then I realized it was Tamyra and Melinda as well. Which is why Kelly Clarkson is the greatest. The end.

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