February 12, 2009

A collection of things I thought yesterday

So I was lookin' up Brandi tickets at the Portsmouth Music Hall for April Fools' Day, and they had this whole paragraph about her, and it ended with this: "Come find out why one critic said, 'When she took the stage, you'd think the crowd was welcoming Jim Morrison, circa 1965.'" Which just made me snort, because, yeah, we lesbians can be pretty effin' enthusiastic. And then I was like, hey! Even Brandi Carlile is a better song-writer than effin' Jim Morrison. What was the deal with that douche, anyway? Have you listened to the lyrics to "Light My Fire"? "Wallow in the mire"? Is he an actual, literal pig? Someone abused that rhyming dictionary!

Anyway, yeah, I am so over my crazed Brandi Carlile obsession, but she's gonna be in NH, and her live shows are always awesome, so I'm gonna take my mom, since I have no friends, and I'm broke, and she'll pay!
Then I read something somewhere on the internet about someone studying for "the dbq," and my body went rigid, and I was like, "How do I know that acronym?" Then I fell down dead. DBQ stands for "Document-Based Question," and I experienced its wrath during the AP U.S. history exam. And I spent most of AP U.S. history practicing for that mess. And Mrs. Deblasio hated me. But it was cool--I hated her narrow-minded, preachy ass right back! God damn, I was in her class the year Bush stole the election from Al Gore, and that Wednesday in November was just odious. The only reason I took the class was that, clearly, I had to take as many AP classes as possible, and since the maths and sciences were so far out of the question, and AP Spanish wasn't even offered (!!!), I had to go with U.S. history, both Englishes, and U.S. government.

Sorry, that story was boring, but I had to exorcise those high school demons.
So I caved and watched two minutes of last week's Grey's on youtube, because I'm sorry, but I love to see Sara Ramirez kiss a lady, and then I was going to write this whole rant about how the Grey's people clearly just replaced Brooke Smith with a younger, "hotter" model (no offense to Jessica Capshaw--she's lovely in her own right, but I would pick Brooke Smith over her any day of the week), but I just don't have the energy. Mostly, that kiss was kinda lame. The elevator kiss was way hotter, and Callie was being taken by surprise there too! Boo! Brooke Smith 4-EVA!

I guess Callie has a rather specific type, huh?
In conclusion, I bought Ingrid Michaelson's iTunes Live E.P. today, and she does a cover of "Creep" with a ukulele, which is quite interesting indeed. Mostly, I love this album for another live version of "The Chain." That song hits me right were it counts--the hearthole.

Ingrid Michaelson is a talented and pretty lady who wears glasses, and every time she comes to Boston, she sells out her show before I even know about it. I need to be more on top of these things.

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