February 7, 2009

Saturday morning blog fun

So I've seen this meme thing around the internet for a while, were you put your music library on shuffle and type the first lines of the first thirty songs and try to get your friends to guess, and I finally said, "Hey! I like songs!" so I did it. I don't know if anyone would want to play along--maybe I'd have better luck on Facebook where I would reach a broader audience, but truth be told, I have this blog so I don't post notes on Facebook. So anyway, here are my first 30 songs, except for the tracks that weren't actually songs (such as comedy from Margaret Cho or the Historian's Introduction to Act I of Spamalot and also that one Spanish-language song from Shakira I figured would be entirely impossible.

1. Wait a minute, man, you mispronounced my name.
2. Soon as my eyes shut the slideshow begins
3. Don’t know what to do anymore; I’ve lost the only love worth fighting for
4. What’s this? What’s this? There’s color everywhere.
5. Made to last a while and roll on
6. From the day we arrive on the planet and, blinking, step into the sun
7. Chains, my baby’s got me locked up in chains
8. Hello, operator, can you give me number nine?
9. I sit two stories above the streets
10. Cyrus Jones, 1810-1913, made his great-grandchildren believe you could live to 103.
11. The tourbus came yesterday; the driver’s a mess today
12. Took your car and drove to Texas
13. There’ll be spectacle; there’ll be fantasy; there’ll be derring-do and stuff like you would never see
14. I know you got the hummer for the summer, baby
15. When you tried to kiss me I only bit your tongue
16. Sometimes I feel like I'm falling
17. When the ices melt I admit I felt a lifting in my heart
18. Movin’ right along, in search of good times and good news
19. You walked out when I asked you to stay
20. I’ve come down with somethin’
21. Dusty and you are, dirty from chain
22. We got the afternoon
23. He’s a friend of mine, kind of special guy
24. Follow your heart and see where it might take you
25. I’ve got a theory that it’s a demon
26. God, I feel like hell tonight
27. You’re back in your old neighborhood
28. I’m looking through you—where did you go?
29. New York City—center of the universe
30. Well my mama told me, my papa told me too

Full disclosure: I wouldn't have gotten all of these, and they're from my own damn library. Anyone who gets more than half wins my love and respect. Feel free to comment with your guesses (song title AND artist), and I'll post the answers on Sunday night.

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