April 18, 2008

A flimsy excuse for pretty girl pictures

Okay, so if Kelly Clarkson ever does something as hard for me to forgive as singing for the pope again, I have her replacement waiting in the wings:
Until five seconds ago, I forgot I even ever had a crush on Norah Jones in the first place, but I just saw the trailer for her movie, My Blueberry Nights, on iTunes, and hot damn. I find her to be enchantingly beautiful. And I really want to see this movie, but I’ll probably have to go to civilization to do so. Or wait till DVD.
The crush I had on her happened in 2002, I believe, so I was fresh out of high school and wobbly about the whole gay thing, and then it got overpowered by Kelly Clarkson and Tina Fey (and, er, Shakira—whatever, South American girls are beautiful), so I kind of just let it drop. But I have this concert DVD of hers that I bought at Newbury Comics for the Newbury Comics only price of $11.88 (why do I remember these things?), and I really want to watch it again.
Not only is she beautiful, but her voice is killer. It really is up there with Brandi Carlile’s and Kelly Clarkson’s for me, but her songs as a whole are not as attention-grabbing as those other two ladies’, so it always manages to slip my mind. But for real. I must stop forgetting.

I remember my freshman year of college, people were pissed when she took home the Grammy for album of the year over Bruce Springsteen. Like, I don’t really know what it was about her that made the Grammy committee people so fucking smitten, but awards mean nothing to me, anyway. I was just happy to see her on tv, bein’ pretty. Cuz she’s good at that. But this has led people to be “she’s overrated, what’s so great about her, how can you like her?” blahblahblaaaah. Whatever. I get made fun of for Kelly Clarkson all the time, so I don’t care.
Also! I found this picture a million years ago in some teen magazine of her kicking John Mayer’s ass. Literally. It was charming. I wish I could find it again.

Double bonus—she loves Muppets:
And wears glasses:
However. I have just discovered that Norah’s contribution to the film’s soundtrack is called “The Story,” and because this is the way my head is wired, there’s suddenly a competition.
Brandi wins. Goodnight.

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