September 26, 2007

In which I attempt a photo essay of sorts

Okay, so now that the American Idol pictures are up on flickr, I decided to try to do a slightly more in depth concert review. With pictures! Let's see how this goes.

Chris Sligh
Okay, so this fool only sang one song, and I don't know what it was. Of course he played the guitar for it. Oh, wait, he sang that Fallout Boy song with Gina. Whatever, I didn't really hear him, because Gina was better. He seemed to be having a good time, though. And he came out for the opener in a David Ortiz jersey, which of course guaranteed him some applause. It really is easy to pander to your New England audiences. At least in New Hampshire and Massachusetts. I don't know about the other four states, but I imagine they all have a lot of Yankee fans there.

Gina Glocksen
Surprisingly, at least to me, since she came in 9th place, Gina was quite the fan favorite--especially among the younger girls. She also seemed to have a lot of stage time, which was just fine with me, since I think she was actually my favorite non-Melinda contestant, even though I never voted for her. For a while I was, like, "She's, like, Nikki McKibbin! Bleh," but she's actually so much better. And she was having a grand old time, and she was really sweet to her eleven-year-old fans, and all in all, I have to give her a big ol' thumbs up. It did not hurt that she was smokin' hot.

Hot Pants Scarnato

Remember that time when Seacrest called her Stacey? Because she was in the bottom two with Phil Stacey? Yeah, even Seacrest forgot who she was. Jess will kill me for this, but I just don't get the appeal. She's not even that pretty, but she flaunts herself like there's no tomorrow. I wasn't really paying attention to anyone's actual singing (save for Melinda's--and Jordin's, because, um, she got the whole end of the show to herself, rightfully so, since she won and all), but Haley was so...bleh. There was this part when the non-winning girls were doing "Ain't No Other Man," and it had some cheesy choreography where they were supposed to turn around and shake their boot-ays, and Haley totally played it up. Lakisha was not havin' it, Gina was, like, whatever, and Melinda did it playfully, but Haley took it so seriously. That skank. (Love ya, Jess!) Anyway, she was okay--better than Sligh and Richardson. And Malakar. I also don't know the song she sang by herself either. Good grief--was I even there?

Sanjaya Malakar
Okay, so he was so much less ubiquitous than I thought he'd be. I think he only did one song by himself, and then he was singing with a million other people, so you couldn't hear him, and his hair was no big deal, and I was so grateful. I could forget he was even there. Which I did, most of the time--until he pulled out the guitar when the boys got their "band" together. Then I laughed.

Don't worry! The rest shall follow.

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