August 14, 2008

Another dream diary entry

Oh my god. I keep meaning to tell Allison this story, because she's the only person I know who watches So You Think You Can Dance (and is in fact the reason I started watching it), but I always forget, so she's gonna have to hear it here. Maybe.

Anyway. Some nights ago, I had a dream about Cat Deeley, the awesomest host of a reality show ever. At the beginning of the dream, someone in my family had brought her over to set her up with my uncle (except that...none of the other people in my dream were actually members of my family--it was like I had a whole different dream family, which was so weird), so we all went out to dinner at a restaurant in downtown Nashua that only exists in my dreams. This whole thing was more surreal than dreams usually are, in that none of it was based in reality whatsoever. There wasn't a single person or place in there that I actually knew, and yet in the dream it was understood that these people were my family, and this place was in Nashua, right at the top of Main Street.

Okay, so really, the point of this story was that at some point during dinner, I started getting all friendly with Cat Deeley, and she sat herself down in my lap (!) and then later asked me to marry her (!!). I don't even know what my response was, but I remember feeling some dream guilt because I was seeing someone. What? It is a dream, and Cat Deeley is on my lap, and the dream me decides I have a girlfriend so I can't go for it?

The dream me is weak.

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