August 12, 2008

Irrational fears and board games

Do you know what makes me super uncomfortable? Playing a game you don't know how to play with a bunch of people who have been playing this game, like, their entire lives. Seriously, just thinking about it makes me break out in hives, because I have a deathly fear of making a mistake in front of people. And when you're playing a game that for everyone else around you is second nature, it's easy to make a mistake and get PUBLICLY RIDICULED for it, because to them it seems so easy. But to you, you're all confused. And I fear nothing more than looking dumb in front of people. So much so that I'd rather just lose than risk making an incorrect play. Let me learn the game first! Then I will kick your ass.

This is not to say that I do not do the EXACT SAME THING to people who are trying to learn a game I can play in my sleep. I never pretended I wasn't a hypocrite.

In other news, since summer is almost over, I'm trying to compile a playlist of summer tunes. What're your faves for summer? Um, if anyone is still reading this anyway. Maybe if I really want input, I should find more direct ways of contacting people...

If anyone says "I Kissed a Girl," she dies.

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