August 1, 2008

A brief Runway rundown

Okay, I know there are probably plenty of (brainless) people who found Tim Gunn trying to say "holla atcha boy" hilarious and charming and whatever, but I just found it horrifying. Though I guess it was a little cute that he enunciated all the words, "holler at your boy" as only Tim Gunn would. But the really hilarious thing was that when he was like, "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" all Blayne could say was, "You know, it's like holla atcha dawgs!" Like, thanks for the clarification, bonehead. I don't think anyone ever explained it to him, but I stopped listening, because it was making me uncomfortable.

Blayne is my least favorite.

Stella is all I had hoped Sweet P would be.

I don't remember who any of the rest of these people are--but I do remember that I thought every single dress in the last challenge was hideous. Especially the one that won, with the tulle. And Sandra Bernhard was nowhere near as smartassed as I was hoping she would be.

Heidi's still hot, though, and I still love Nina Garcia. Oh yes I do.

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