February 19, 2008

All monkeys are French

I don't remember how this came up, but I was talking to Allison about Buffy last night, and I realized that I must be the only lesbian in the entire world who preferred Oz to Tara. It makes me feel very alone. But Oz was at least better than Kennedy, right, lesbians? Right???

Okay, way back before Project Runway even started again, Ryan predicted I'd have a crush on Jillian, and I was like, "Hah, yeah right." But then Kit Pistol got eliminated, and I started to find Jillian's baffling lack of emotion endearing. I always liked her clothes, too, even when I wasn't really thinking about developing a crush on her. Now I totally do. Have a crush on her. She's so weird! I love her a little bit. I do, so I want her to win. Christian is certainly very talented, and he absolutely knows how to design for the runway, but I just like Jillian better. There. I caved, finally.

Stupid reunion show. I would like to see who wins, bitches.

Last night, I kicked Charles out before I went to bed, but he still woke me up at 3 am, scratching at the door and whining. Take a pill, Charles! Leave me alone for seven hours. Christ.

So I was reading good ol' Hans last night, and there was this story about a Snow Queen, and one part of it, where this little boy runs accidentally runs away with the Snow Queen in her big, beautiful sleigh was a lot like Edmund's first encounter with the White Witch. In fact, the little boy in this story, Kay, had a best friend named Gerda, and when Kay and Gerda grew older, Kay turned into a brat and started being all practical and mean to Gerda, just like Edmund was to Lucy, but Gerda never gave up on him, and she went off to save him from the Snow Queen--and she did it all with the help of some animals, too. I think I should look a little deeper into this C.S. Lewis--H.C. Andersen connection. Uh, later. I am so not in research mode right now. I think I'll just covertly watch Futurama until lunch.

Hah! "Heaven Is a Place on Earth" just came on the radio. Sing it, BC.

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