February 26, 2008

A badly told anecdote

So at work, we have these gift sets that come in what the store calls "hobo bags." I don't know why. When I came in tonight, Kaeli was carrying a bunch of them in her arms, and I was like, "What're those?"
And she just sang out, "Hobos! And speaking of hobos..."
"Speaking of hobos, here I am!" I said, and she grinned.
Then Sue called from the hallway, "Hey! I don't like that word. It's an alternative lifestyle."
And I was like, "Oh Christ, hobos, not homos, Sue." And anyway, it is not a fucking "alternative lifestyle"--that's even worse than "homos." But I didn't even think of that until later, because the fact that she thought I was referring to myself as a homo was hilarious. Dudes are homos, yo.

1 comment:

Allison said...

the whole "lifestyle" thing pisses me the eff off too. like, does that mean being straight is also a 'lifestyle'?
Also: has a pod person taken over your twitter??? should you read the book first??????? you're asking yourself that??? YOU??? hehe....