February 12, 2008


So apparently this time it's true: the writers' strike is almost officially over. (And can I just tell you how much it has been killing me to see it written everywhere across the internets as "writer's strike"? Like there's been one lone writer on strike, standing in front of the Warner Brothers lot with his sad, little picket sign, tirelessly (or maybe exhaustedly) marching back and forth for three months.) Anyway, so hooray if the writers' strike is over for reals, because I have missed 30 Rock like I would miss a limb, and I also want to see what's goin' down on Gossip Girl now that Blair's power has been snatched away. But mostly 30 Rock. But! I am also concerned about the deal the writers have fought so hard to get. Is it a good one? I fuckin' hope so, but the draft of the deal that Variety posted doesn't make any sense to me. I can't read legalese. But I would seriously go the rest of tv season without 30 Rock if it meant that the writers could get a truly fair deal, because these huge corporations are making vast sums of money off writers' work, and the writers are not being adequately compensated for it. Corporations taking advantage of real, live human beings is way worse than not having Tina Fey on my tv every week. And if I am willing to give up Tina Fey, you know I'm serious.

So I hope all the writers are satisfied with this deal. I hope Disney and its ilk finally do right by these people--by all the people they employ.

This is why I hate capitalism. Profit margins are more important than the health and well-being of a company's employees. Makes me sick.

I am a dirty communist. Not really. But I do have some socialist tendencies.

And now, a series of text messages:
Tue, Feb. 12, 2:12 am EST
S: You awake?
S: Oh ma god woman, plz be awake!
2:34 am EST
S: Well i was going to call and tell u what could be my best story ever...But it's the first time u are asleep at a normal time!
[Okay, it is true that I fell asleep early last night, but it is also true that I am usually asleep by 2 am on a weeknight.]
8:42 am EST
E: Aw dammit! Best story ever? Clearly I must hear it, but i have to work all day. Boo.
S: Well, I can't wait to tell you! I'm still in shock. :P
E: Dammit. My work schedule ruins everything.
S: Ah, don't worry 'bout it. I'm not going to forget any of it. :P Oh, I know the lyrics to "looking out" now too.
E: Great, now I'm doing to be imagining all the ways you could have obtained the lyrics all day, and I won't get any work done.
S: She just sang 'em to me, that's all... :P
E: I hate you.
S: I know. :P And u should
E: Jerk.
S: I'll just say that the gift [a bottle of Maker's Mark, because Brandi is a drunk] was a success and waiting outside for two hours after the show was worth it!
E: Hah! Lucky girls. Now stop telling me things or i really won't get any work done.
S: Yes'm, I'll confide the rest later tonight. Carry on.
E: Thanks. Hopefully my brain won't have exploded by then.
11:33 am EST
S: To top it off we just ran into the band in the lobby :P
E: What did i tell you? Stop telling me things!
S: Too good not to share! I'll b back home around ten w/ the rest!
E: All right. I'll try to be awake this time.
S: You be better be... :P But seriously, I wish that I could have called you last night when I was SO excited... It was rather late, and I was surprisingly sober! It would have been a good time! I so wish you could have been here, the whole thing was slightly surreal and amazing.
E: I would totally have gone too if not for the horrible timing. Damn this job. I wish I had been awake last night.
S: It's alright, I'll totally make a trip to New England next time they tour up there. Scout's honor!
E: Aw yay
3:38 pm EST
E: God, work sucks. I should have just quit and gone to birmingham.
S: Ah, I agree. But, the drive home sucks majorly! We are driving through mississippi and there was totally a tornado or something that left fallen trees and shit on the road. Slow traffic! Fucking weather!
E: Ew. I think I'd rather be at work than in that mess.
S: Exactly! It's over now and we are almost in that hell hole of a state that is Louisiana [ed. note: I, myself, have nothing against Louisiana, as I have never been there]. That means I'm going to have to start driving soon. Damn, damn, damn.
E: Aw. Sucks to be you! Except not really, considering the earlier half of your trip.
S: Ha! U don't even know the half of it!
E: Oh shut up.

Some people have all the effin' luck.


sunnyday04 said...

:P Ha. I feel famous. And, crazy. Definitely crazy. But, whatever. Who else would appreciate my Brandi story? No one, my friend. No one. :) Texting Texans is what it is all about anyways. And, if we had died in the tornado/flood/monsoon etc., you would have been the only one who knew where we were! Important things like that.

Booknerd said...

Well, I figured the text messages made me look crazy, too, so we're even and stuff. You're right; no one would have appreciated that story as much as I.