February 10, 2008

Blogging for slackers

So I didn't update on Friday, and it hurt Allison's soul, so I decided I'd update today, but only with a conversation we just had over instant messages, mostly because I found it amusing and would like to record it for posterity. And I don't have anything interesting to say.

A: i like mandy moore's cover of umbrella
A: i don't know if i ever mentioned it to you
E: mandy moore does a cover of umbrella?
A: um, yeah, and it's so amazing
A: it's slower and pretty
E: whatever blows your skirt up
A: oh it does
A: youtube it
A: pleeeeeeeeease?
A: it's pretty
E: but i haaaaaate that song
E: oh lord
E: fine
A: yay!

mandy moore is pretty
A: um, yeeeeeeeeeah
E: I still don't like this song
A: oh, whatevs
A: it's pretty when she does it
E: whatevs yourself!
E: you like before he cheats!
A: so does your mom!

A: are you watching this cirque du soleil thing?
A: it's like a beatles tribute
A: it's the kid from across the universe singing let it be!!!!!!!!!!
E: I am not impressed!
A: why?
E: I don't know
E: I am difficult to impress
E: especially in the area of beatles covers
A: unless you're hot and cute and your name rhymes with shmandi
E: oh
E: ha
E: ha

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