February 14, 2008

I know I will hear what I've heard before

Good evening, internet. Let's talk about the runway, shall we?

First of all, I was so tired of Sweet P's whining. It is even worse than Jillian's whining, because at least Jillian is cute, and she makes very interesting clothes. But Sweet P made that one nice denim dress and spent the rest of the season fuh-reaking out about every single challenge. She was in an all-girl motorcycle gang! She is covered in tattoos! How can she not be the least badass? I don't hate her or anything--she does seem, you know, sweet--but I was so sick of her. That dress was hids, and the only peacock-y features of the whole mess were the feathers in Lee's hair. Lame!

Okay, I actually watched this episode twice, because I didn't change the channel when it ended the first time, and I'm still having a hard time remembering what happened. Oh! They went to the Met, and it was empty! Do you know how awesome that would be? I've been to the Met, like, five times, and it is always swarming with people, and I'm pretty sure I've only seen about two percent of that museum. Sad. I could probably stay there all day and think about pretending to be Claudia from The Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler.

All right, anyway, I have to give Christian some begrudging props, because the boy knows how to make shit. None of it is to my taste, and I still want to step on him sometimes, but he really is talented. I kind of just hope he doesn't win. He'd be even more full of himself, can you imagine? And, seriously, I didn't think anyone could use the word fierce more frequently than Tyra Banks, but this fool sure proved me wrong. Oh, I did like when Tim Gunn asked him how his creation was coming along, and he said something like, "The blouse looks really good on me," and Tim laughed and said, "That's all that really matters." It was cute.

Oh! Chris is dead to me! Did you see how he just waved aside everything Tim Gunn said about his dress? He almost didn't make it to Fashion Week! He still hasn't, but he gets one more shot. Which, what? Well, they all showed collections at Fashion Week, so I suppose he and Rami are really just competing to stay in the competition--which, does that matter as much as showing a collection? I have no idea.

Rami made a pretty dress, but everyone knew exactly what he was going to do. And he got all defensive about it. Blech.

Jillian is now my Runway girlfriend, mostly by default, but also because I finally saw that crazy kick she delivered to her dress form in last week's episode. And she made a supercool jacket again, and the way her gold dress evoked, like, Greek battle dress thrilled the nerd inside. (I know that was, like, the challenge, but it just worked so well!) Also, I just looked at all of the contestants' final collections, and hers is definitely my favorite. Do you think if she somehow managed to win she'd, like, react? I hope we get to find out!

Although, as a collection, I'm not sure how cohesive it is. I'm sure Nina Garcia will have an opinion--I hope anyway, mostly because I love to hear her say "cohesive." Chris's, I think, was much more interesting than Rami's, so even though he is dead to me! I hope we get to see his stuff on the runway. Christian's certainly was dramatic, but there were too many ruffles going on for me. Plus, like his ego needs the extra boost.

I have little love for Victorya, but did anyone else think it was super rude the way Heidi said, "I think Victorya's always a little uptight," and Tim agreed? That seemed like kind of an unfair attack. I mean, Victorya was rather uptight, but why you gotta say it like that? The reunion shows are always awkward for me, but I usually half-watch, just to see the weird stuff that happened that they couldn't fit into the regular episodes. All that "what did you guys really think of each other?" crap is just pointless.

Oh, and the clip of Tim telling Kevin: "If being on Project Runway didn't make you gay, nothing will!" kind of irked me. Like Kevin was the only straight guy ever on Project Runway? What was his problem? The hetero doth protest too much, methinks. (Good lord, what kind of construction even is "methinks"? I'll have to take that up with Will later.)

Lordy-loo! I just remembered I watched Cashmere Mafia last night too, and by "watched," I mean "fast forwarded until Caitlin showed up," and what a way to end the maybe lesbian storyline. So stupid! And could this show be any more predictable? Of course Caitlin has to get dumped as soon as she decides she can be serious about someone. I don't know what happened to Alicia, but, like really, she didn't even seem to react to the fact that she was watching Caitlin's heart break right before her eyes. She was just like, "Oops. My bad. My ex wants to get back together! Sorry." Booooo. This show is stupid. Caitlin should just have her own show--or she should be transplanted to a better show. I don't know. Even if she goes back to guys, I'll still like her.

And now a series of twitter updates, posted here instead:
I want some new music. God, iTunes has played, like, six Brandi songs in an hour and a half. Clearly, it has a problem. I think I got it hooked. Now I'm gonna have to check it in to Betty Ford.

God, I've only been here for an hour and a half. It's gonna be a long day, everybody! I knew I should have called out.

I do stupid things sometimes, like purchase Fergie songs on iTunes. What? I can't resist a girl who will spell in the middle of a song.

"Hell in a Bucket" makes me think of when the Merry Pranksters were hanging out with the Hell's Angels.

I loathe portmanteau words. Usually. I can't think of any that are useful right now, but the new ones that have been popping up, so people can say them and think they're so clever make me crazy. Guess which one I hate the most. Go on. Guess. I'll give you a hint: )

Oh! Spork is a good one. Yay for spork.

1 comment:

David Dust said...

I'm sorry, but Evil SourFace Victorya deserves everything she gets on next week's reunion show.

Click here for DavidDust's Project Runway recap.