February 16, 2008

Everyone has an opinion!

A: oh my god have you slipped into an alternate universe?
E: an alternate universe? what even are you talking about?
A: haha, I'm talking about Tina Fey usurping the thrown [sic]

Tina Fey can probably spell "throne," too. Boo-yah.


sunnyday04 said...

Well, it is a BIG decision. I mean, c'mon now... replacing one imaginary girlfriend with another is kind of a big deal. I have let my opinion be known. Since I only like Tina Fey in 30 Rock, I cannot in good faith place her ahead of Brandi. Plus, Brandi's the one turning me gay anyways :P So. Ya, she definitely wins.

Booknerd said...

Oh, I loved Tina Fey looooong before I'd even heard of Brandi Carlile. Brandi is prettier, though. It's tough! They're neck and neck, those two. If Brandi ever decides she needs to wear glasses, however, I think Tina might lose.