February 18, 2008

I started losing sleep

Today, I was doing some early-morning proofreading of something that had not been written by our copywriters, and I came across this gem: "occupy's." I actually underlined it and wrote "really?" but then I also corrected the spelling, just to be helpful. "Occupy's"! What the fuck? That is not a typo--that is pure idiocy.

In New Hampshire, we have two license plates to choose from: one with the deceased Old Man in the Mountain and one with a moose and a mountain pond scene. The moose is on the left side of the license plate, and then your letters and numbers go next to it. So, on the way to work yesterday, I saw a car with a moose license plate that said "& SQURRL"--brilliant. I laughed for a good minute, and I tried to take a picture with my phone, but the car had gotten too far ahead of me.

Speaking of things I saw on the back of cars, today I encountered a giant navy blue truck with a bumper sticker that read, "NRA: the front line of freedom" or something, and I just wanted to rear-end him. I get that way whenever I see pro-life bumper stickers, too. Oh, yeah, the NRA is all about protecting freedom. What the fuck ever.

So I watched the latest episode of The L-Word, and I want to say like, "Finally! A girl who isn't throwing herself at Shane," but they're totally going to end up fucking next week. Shane was cuter this week than she's ever been, but I still don't get it. Also, "Don't ask; don't tell" has got to be one of the most insulting official policies of the United States government in its history. It is beyond time to get that shit repealed. God dammit. You know I hate the idea of a standing military, but whatever, if you feel that that is the way to serve your country, you should be able to join up no matter what. "As if you could win a war without lesbians."

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