October 23, 2007

I say these things so I can sleep at night

And now it is time, once again, for an overly dramatic post! (This one, though, is not about books.)

Oh my god, I can't believe I forgot about this until just now, because now I can't really remember the specifics (dammit), but, y'all. You know how I feel about the misuse of apostrophes (which is getting worse, I think). I saw a sign for something somewhere, and on this sign, a verb had an apostrophe in it. Like, it was just the singular form of the verb, not a contraction or anything. With an apostrophe. Like "write's" or something. What. The. Fuck!

Does anyone read anymore? I blame that on the nation's tenuous grasp on the English language. No one knows how to use punctuation. Also, I think on that sign, they didn't use an apostrophe when they should have, in a possessive or something. Blargh. It made me so angry at the time, that sign, that I turned purple and could barely tell Mike what I had just seen, and then I must have repressed it. Because it was awful! Like nipple hair or Rachael Ray's face*!

Dammit, I really wish I could remember where that came from, so I could go back and document it and post it all over the internet, because this madness has got to stop!

*Actually, I kind of love Rachael Ray. That was just something from Drawn Together.

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