October 26, 2007

Um, yeah?

Aw, Mike Lowell, I am sorry I left you for Dustin Pedroia. But...I chose Dustin and I'm sticking with him. But you, my fine eyebrowed friend, are still awesome.

Not as fun last night, but a win is a win, is it not? And you know, as much as I kind of want the Red Sox to lose at least two, so they can win the World Series at home, I've decided maybe it is better if they win it in Denver. I mean, in 2004, it was complete pandelirium in Boston. Can you imagine the insanity if Fenway was full? I'll pass. I'm pretty sure the insanity will hardly be any less even though there's no curse to break this year. Boston fans are nuts.

So I've discovered that a few people have come to this here blog by searching "brandi carlile" and "lesbian," which are three words that appear frequently in my ramblings, and I just find it hilarious. Are you people looking for confirmation that Brandi's a lez? Well, get away from me; I don't know her. I did write that stupid entry about the vest in which I speculated, but that was harmless--or meant to be harmless anyway. It doesn't matter who Brandi's into, hear? Whoever it is, it's not me, and that's the part that's sad. Ahem. (That was a joke, too. Just so we're clear.) Also, I wanna thank and apologize to gocolts99, whose comment I unceremoniously deleted, because I started freaking out about strangers actually reading the dumb shit I write. I'm not used to anyone actually reading my internet ramblings--but if I didn't want anyone to read them, why are they on the internet? Yeah, I don't know. I'm having some troubles with this. Anyway, thanks, gocolts, for confirming that "Turpentine" was indeed for her brother.

I hate censoring myself--and other people--but this is weirding me out. Um, go Red Sox.

Well, speaking of the Red Sox (again), I decided, with the help of Brandi fan Kelly, that Brandi wins the Carlile/Clarkson fake Red Sox fan face-off. My decision was based partly on the opinion of one other person, partly on the fact that Brandi's hat is red, and Kelly's is pink. And I really just cannot abide pink Red Sox hats. We get it, Kelly, you're a girrrrrl. Good for you. But thanks for throwing your World Series support in, anyway. I don't have any problem with bandwagon fans, unless they're former mayors of New York City.

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