October 17, 2007

Sometimes it feels like the walls are closing in

I just became overwhelmed by a craving for chocolate milk and Smartfood Popcorn, which I think is up there in my bizarre cravings list. Luckily, both are in the house, so I satisfied that craving right quick.

Working at Bath & Body Works sucks, and I don't care who knows it. Besides the managerial... issues, I just hate having two jobs. I have no free time, no days off, no time to see Mike or Charles Wallace or even to watch all the television on my DVR. Why am I doing this? For the measly $100 every two weeks? It's beginning to be so not worth it. The only thing is that, with the exception of one person who is, like, ruining it for everyone, I love the people who work there. When I'm actually at work, as long as that one person isn't there, I kind of have a blast, but... There are so many other things I would rather be doing. You know? More than anything these days, I hate having to work on the weekends.

However, the responsible side of me is telling me to stick it our through Christmas, so I can at least make some money, and then quit.

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