October 26, 2007

Don't let me down

Okay! Here's a post devoid of my weird internet issues, I swear.

So I finally watched a new episode of Grey's, and it was surprisingly good. It was worth all of it to see Callie and Cristina bunking together at the end--and Cristina telling Callie that she does mind if she cleans up the slob's apartment. However, if Callie has the millions of dollars, why is she sleeping on Cristina's couch? And why did she live in the basement of the hospital? Did she and George ever move out of the hotel? Whatever. I like Callie and Cristina bonding; I like Cristina giving Izzie the cold shoulder; I like George when he's interacting with anyone but Izzie. I don't like Bailey's marriage problems, but oh well. She is still Bailey. And the chainsaw to the foot thing was more than I ever needed to see! Christ.

Seriously. Is anyone rooting for this George and Izzie pairing? Anyone? Because it is making me dry heave. I don't see anything between them. At all. I forgot, too, that Alex lived with Meredith and Izzie these days. I like that.

Also, I need to talk about this new blog I found, thanks to blogger itself. The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks. It's bangarang, because one of things that bugs me most in my life is that people seem to think quotation marks should be used to emphasize things. I even wrote an inarticulate livejournal entry on this issue way back in the dark ages of my internet writing. Quotation marks are used for two purposes: to quote something somebody else said and to indicate, basically, that something isn't what it claims to be. A "free" lunch, for example, is a lunch that claims to be free, but as we all know, there's no such thing, and so the quotation marks around free indicate that the lunch does, in fact, cost something. A free "lunch," on the other hand, is something free that isn't really lunch. It's just a bag of peanuts or something masquerading as your noontime meal. Anyway, the blog is hilarious. If you're a nerd like me, check it out.

Edited hastily to add this:
Stephen Colbert has his own flavor of Ben & Jerry's ice cream. Too bad Mike hates ice cream, or I'd buy him a pint. Maybe I'll buy him a pint anyway and eat it myself, but let him keep the carton!

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