October 22, 2007

Things I need to remember

"She looks like one of those fish that has eyes on both sides of its flat self (a flounder, to be specific). She reminds me of Ann Coulter, which means that she probably smells like one of those fish that has eyes on both sides of its flat self, as well." --FourFour

"Last time I checked, we're in the United States. And in the United States, we clearly speak English. That language I don't understand, and therefore it makes me angry." --Kelly's mom

"I had no idea that you ate food at brunch; I was always given to understand that brunch was some kind of French term for 'we're drinking in the morning.' This is fascinating. I do enjoy a nice egg dish with my alcoholism." --Jacob

Rerip that Semisonic song "Gone to the Movies." It's been fucked up for, like, eight years. Christ.

Stop asking questions you don't really want answers to, because no matter how rhetorical they sound in your head, people will always try to answer them. Not that I don't appreciate the effort, people--I'd rather just save you that effort, because...it's wasted on this ungrateful girl.

Re-rip Goldfly, because the audio is really bizarre on all the tracks and has also been that way for, like, eight years.

Fraggle Rock, season three, is out on DVD. Purchase that bad boy.

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