October 17, 2007

If my dreams will allow

Okay, so I had the weirdest dream sometime this morning, in between Chuck's waking me up and my alarm's going off. I think. I never really share my dreams, but this one has been bugging me all day, so maybe if I blog it, I'll exorcise it and go back to my relatively undisturbed existence.

Anyway, I don't remember all the deets, but here's the basic premise: There's some kind of party going on at my house, specifically in my basement, which is the part of the house I inhabit, and while this party is going on, I have to get Charles Wallace to the vet for an appointment at 6:30. So for some reason, I'm in the car with my brother, and he's driving, and then I can't remember for the life of me where the vet is, because it's just moved from the place where it's been all my life to some new location. Of course. So I tell Tommy to turn around, so I can look the place up on the internet and get directions, and there's this, you know, dance party going on in my basement, so it's very difficult for me to use the computer and all, and then. Oh, and then. Brandi Carlile is there, like she's just one of my friends, and she keeps bugging me so that I cannot look up this place on the internet, and then I realize that it's seven o'clock, and I have totally failed to get my cat to the vet, because Brandi Carlile wouldn't let me use the internet, and I feel utterly defeated and like, "What the fuck, Brandi Carlile?" Then that nonsense is gone, and I'm upstairs talking to somebody, Sarah I think, about how I couldn't get Chuck to the vet, and I go, "You know what it's like down there, and that's where my computer is, and, ugh, Brandi kept bugging me"--like, really, I would even remember I had a cat if Brandi Carlile were in my basement. I was so mad at myself for even having that subconscious thought when I woke up this morning. Anyway, then that mess disappears, and I'm suddenly outside by a pool with Abby from work, bemoaning the fact that I always fall for girls who are either straight or involved with somebody, and Brandi got included in this list, because apparently she was still my friend, and I had this knowledge that she was, like, gay-married to some betch (which is apparently my subconscious's biggest fear). Then the house party turns into some kind of mother-daughter bonding party, only the Devil is there (without a mother or a daughter...), and I don't like the tone she's using to talk to my mother, so I yell at her, saying something like, "I know you have no problem talking to your employees like they're brain damaged, but you could show a little respect when you're talking to my mother," and she gives some kind of flip, sarcastic retort and walks away, but I chase her and say something about her sarcasm being really professional, and then my alarm went off, and I was like, "What. The fuck."

Seriously, that was horrible. That was the only time Brandi Carlile has ever made an appearance in a dream of mine, and it sucked! And the Devil was there! Like, way to make it suck worse!

Maybe I really do need to quit Bath & Body Works.


Kelly said...

"What the fuck, Brandi Carlile?"
..haha oh god.

Good on ya for sticking up for your mom and all with that devil business...lol.. dreams are really wEiRd eh?

Booknerd said...

That was the weirdest dream I've had in a while. And so upsetting that Brandi was being such a douche.