January 24, 2008

Bork! Bork!

So I was looking at the contestant bios for the new season of Top Chef, because clearly no one on this season of Runway is holding my attention. (Stop being so weird, Jillian.) Stop playing Ashlee Simpson songs, radio! Sorry. Sorry. Um, right, Top Chef.

The point of this entry was to say this:

How cute is Lisa?

I think it's the bandanna that really does it for me. I don't know why, but I totally love a girl in a bandanna. Example two:

I wish I had a bigger picture of this, but I cannot find one. Sad.

Anyway! Back to Lisa, potential Top Chef. According to afterellen.com, she's totally gay! And she's from Canada. Canadians are so cute.

Top Chef is weird, because it's about cooking and judging the cooking, and how can you have favorites based on the food? You can't eat it. So I usually go for the fun people and/or pretty girls. This past season had none of the above! Except for CJ--he was kind of fun. And Brian was weird. But no pretty girls! (Casey is only generically pretty, so whatev.) Second season, I was totally in love with Elia until she turned into a douche. First season, I just thought LeAnn was totally awesome, and Dave was somehow amusing, even though he cried just as much as Ricky does. Oh well. I never said I wasn't a hypocrite. And if I did, then I'm also a liar.


sunnyday04 said...

Oh god, those old pictures of Brandi make me laugh. Not so much in a good way. Although I do find something about them charming. I can't explain. I tried to find you a bigger version of that one, but the web archive site won't load for me. So. I'll just add one more:
Not so much bigger... I kind of fear the bandana though. It reminds me of like junior high when all the girls would wear 'dewrags' and would have an assortment of colors so that they could match their clothes each and every day. And then they were banned from school for being too gang-related. Ha. Good times, good times.

Anyways. I totally scanned through those Top Chef pictures this morning. I love that show. I am not even a food kind of person. I mean, I eat food, but I don't know anything about it. I certainly don't know how, nor have the desire to know how to cool. And yet, I watch that show religiously. It is all about the personality of the cheftestants though. Absolutely.

I was pulling for Dale and Casey last season. I thought Casey was pretty. What the fuck is generically pretty? Haha, I guess it's kind of how I only like artists with unique or different voices. Not stereotypical choices.

And, I guess I have to agree with you that Jillian is a bit of a spaz-monkey. I was kind of worried for her when she went all mental patient yesterday and imagined that she was, like, bleeding everywhere. Then I started laughing because it really was the most unintentionally funny moment of the night. I take whatever laughs I can get this season. I then put them in a special box under my bed.

Anyways. Yay for Top Chef! I also love those previews for the upcoming season that are just a black background with Padma's signature line playing in the background. And then you have the knife sound. It's pretty well done. Makes me excited! I have a problem.

Booknerd said...

Huh. That do-rag madness totally never occurred in my youth. I either would have fallen in love with every girl with a bandanna on her head or been turned off of the entire idea of head coverings forever. Which is actually more likely? I'd rather not say.

I don't know, "generically pretty" is, like, she's got pleasing features and all, but she's really nothing to look at. Like a Barbie doll. Maybe that's a little harsh. Casey did nothing for me, but as I recall, she was from Texas, so I hope that's why you were pulling for her. Dale was cute, but kinda...bleh. I didn't even watch all the episodes of this season. I hope next season is better.