January 11, 2008

I don't drink hot liquids of any kind. That's the devil's temperature.

I finally watched an episode of Grey's when it aired, and I love Callie again! Mostly because she looked really pretty last night! And for the way she yelled at George. For some reason, though, on my tv, everyone looked like they had jaundice, but my stupid brother, home from college for a whole fucking month, has been hogging the HD tv since he got here. He fucked up my recording of Cashmere Mafia too, because of course the HD tv is the only one with the DVR. And there was more girlkissing! He sucks.

Anyway, they already did this Bailey's baby in peril storyline, and I do not like that Bailey has to have problems at home just because she's the awesomest surgeon who ever awesomed. No one on this show can have a relationship except for Meredith and Cristina. Theirs is the only one that works, and it is also the best one on the show. Meredith is whiny, but I seem to like her more than most people, but I will always and forever love Cristina. I also love how everyone in the hospital (that we know) loves Bailey so much that they're all freaking out about her baby. I love that Cristina loves Bailey so much that she finally became human and took care of Tuck when Hahn wouldn't let her in the OR. It was the perfect--and only--time for Cristina to act like Izzie.

I hate the way Derek treats Meredith, but I love his friendship with Bailey. Mostly, I just love Bailey.

I go back and forth on Hahn; I kind of love her friendship with Callie, but I do not love that she told Mark, "Yeah, I'd fuck you if we didn't work together." No. Don't give him anything, woman. Sheesh. Also, do not cross Miranda Bailey. The end. Goodnight.

So how awesome was 30 Rock last night? Tina Fey drunkenly singing "You Oughta Know" might be the highlight of the history of television. And then the group sing of "Midnight Train to Georgia," which was even perfecter because Gladys Knight showed up at the end to tell them to shut the hell up so she could take a nap. Tina Fey is the most brilliant woman ever.

Okay, so I know I pretty much had a geek orgasm all over Special Topics in Calamity Physics yesterday, but later that day I was devouring it, and Marisha Pessl used impact as a verb when she really meant affect--or have an impact on. Impact as a verb has a very specific meaning; it is not a synonym for affect, and I have made it my crusade as proofreader to eliminate this word in everything I read for work. So in order to continue to read this novel with so much promise, I crossed out "impact"with a pencil and wrote "affect" and continued on with my life.

Here is what the OED (which I can still access online with my PC ID!) gives as the number one definition for impact as a verb: "To press closely into or in something; to fix firmly in; to pack in." A third definition is, "To come forcibly into contact with a (larger) body or surface." That's all you get, okay? When you want to say something had an impact on something else, say that. Or use affect. Next!

Okay, so once again I have proven I have no principles, because I broke down and watched Cashmere Mafia online. Sorry, writers. I need some lesbian entertainment. I still won't buy DVDs though. I swear. Anyway. Miranda Otto and Lucy Liu are much better with deadly weapons in their paws. I need to watch Kill Bill and that one when Eowyn kills that thing that no man can kill, because she ain't no man, bitches! (Two Towers, right? I really wish she hadn't stupidly pined after Aragorn, but you never get truly perfect female heroes in stories written by men. At least she's badasseder than Arwen. Can we talk about how much I hate Liv Tyler? And how much I clearly need to read the books again? But that would be an undertaking and a half. It took me, the book nerd, three years to get through the trilogy, and most of that time was spent on The Fellowship of the Ring. This parenthetical is now longer than the rest of the paragraph.) Caitlin remains the best character (and not just because she's the maybe gay one)--she's also the only one who's ever funny. The girlkissing on the this show is really tame, and Caitlin gets a rather disproportionate amount of screen time. Sigh. Allison thinks the lesbian (Alicia, I think her name is) looks like Charisma Carpenter. I still don't see it, except for the hair. Maybe. Anyway, Caitlin needs an episode to focus on her. Also, Lucy Liu's old boss, Grant, was, like, the worst gay executive ever. Bah. I do like how tight all four of them are, though; those were always my favorite parts of Sex and the City, when all four them were together.

So apparently, Emily was the eighth most popular baby name for girls in 2007, and while it is true that Emily is a ridiculously popular name, at least it is not a fad name. There are a million women named Emily in every generation. Yell "Emily!" in Bath & Body Works, and you will get the attention of your five-year-old, me, and somebody's grandmother. That happens all the time, too: someone yells my name at work, and they're only talking to me half the time. The other times, it's some exasperated caregiver trying to wrangle an unruly child. (For the record, I was the least unruly child ever, but now I'm a huge pain in the ass, so I respond to the yelling.)

Anyone who can get me an mp3 of the cast of 30 Rock's "Midnight Train to Georgia" will win my everlasting love and devotion. Um, sorry that's all I have to offer.

1 comment:

sunnyday04 said...

Because I am quite possibly the coolest person alive, I am going to provide you with the song you requested.
It's a wav file, and I haven't even listened to it to check for quality... so let me know if it needs to be redone!