January 29, 2008

Tuesday afternoon blues

I'm feelin' despondent again--but I think it's just because I've gotten less than ten hours of sleep in the past two days--so I wanted to share my favorite picture of Brandi with the world (and keep the post up this time). I might also be feelin' low because I'm listening to "Boys Don't Cry," which I love, but listening to it always breaks my heart a little.

This is another one snagged from againtoday.com, originally uploaded by Rachel, so it's totally not mine. I love it for many reasons: the hat, the crazily tattered jeans, and the Abercrombie boys' sweater. If I could pull off that hat, I would totally wear that exact outfit. (Tim and Gibb are in the original picture, but I cropped them out because they are just not as pretty as Brandi.)

Actually, this might not be my very favorite picture of her, but it's near the top. My favorite is probably that first picture I blogged of her, way back in August when I first admitted to the world that she totally makes me crazy (in the best of ways).

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