January 10, 2008

Crazy merchandising

Oh my god! I forgot the best thing about my fly-by-night trip to Borders: Golden Compass Pez! I bought Iorek, because he is the best. They also had Iofur (whose name in the movie I still do not know), Pan, and Mrs. Coulter's daemon (who does not have a name--he's a creepy little bastard). Check it:

So, um, since nobody else seems to have bought any of this Golden Compass merchandise, I am getting more and more sure that no one will want to spend the money to make The Subtle Knife. I am sad. I am also sad that I still have no one to talk about how they ruined the book with. (That is a horrible sentence, but I don't feel like fixing it. Blerg.)

But Iorek Byrnison Pez! I love Pez! I used to have a Pez t-shirt! And then it developed holes in the armpits, and I had to discard it. Sad day that was.

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