November 30, 2007

Battle of the Bands IV

Special double edition today, because it's Friday, and there are only three E songs!

“Desire”: Ryan Adams vs. Zwan
The Decision: You know, I don’t really have anything to say other than this is not my fave Zwan song.
Winner: Ryan Adams

“Does He Love You?”: Kelly Clarkson & Reba McEntire vs. Rilo Kiley
The Decision: This was an awesome battle, because not only do the songs have the same title, but they’re also about the same thing. But, seriously, Reba’s song is one of the reasons I hate country music, but it’s Kelly Clarkson dueting with her, y’all, instead of Linda Davis, and I saw the music video recently, and it’s kind of awesome, because Reba blows up a yacht, containing her cheating husband and that skank Linda Davis, at the end. That’s a good way to get revenge on your cheatin’ man and his girlfriend if I ever heard one. However. We’re not comparing music videos here. And even Kelly Clarkson singing a terrible country song can’t save it. Plus, this Rilo Kiley song is good even without all my hateration of country music to buoy it up. (Did I just say “hateration”? Yes I did.) Yes, even though it has the exact same theme as Reba’s song. Whatever. Rilo Kiley did it better, making you sympathize with both the wife and the girlfriend. Plus, no country-ness!
Winner: Rilo Kiley

“Dog-Faced Boy”: Eels vs. Phish
The Decision: Well, this is one of the only Eels songs that survived my recent iTunes purge, but I’ve been partial to this Phish song since I was ten. Tough, tough, tough!
Winner: Phish

“Down”: Ben Kweller vs. Stroke 9
The Decision: You know, I’m not quite sure why I still have this Stroke 9 album (I bought it way back in…the last century possibly for that “Little Black Backpack” song, and none of the other ones were as good). And I’ve yet to hear a Ben Kweller song I didn’t like—and I even like this one a lot.
Winner: Ben Kweller

“Drive”: Dispatch vs. R.E.M.
The Decision: Oh, man, I forgot how much I liked this R.E.M. song in high school. Goodbye, Dispatch!
Winner: R.E.M.

“Dumb”: Garbage vs. Nirvana
The Decision: Feh, I think I’m over Garbage. Plus, this Nirvana song is up there for me. Dumb or happy? It’s a fine line.
Winner: Nirvana

“The End”: Ryan Adams & the Cardinals vs. The Beatles
The Decision: Here’s a reason I like country music—Ryan Adams and his band doing country-ish rock ‘n roll. I don’t think I’ve ever really listened to this song, but I totally dig it. I don’t know. It might be enough to beat the Beatles. (Hah—oh, that was terrible. I’m sorry.)
Winner: Ryan Adams & the Cardinals

“Everyday”: Lisa Loeb vs. Dave Matthews Band
The Decision: Bleh, I don’t like this Dave song. I might purge that whole album. I also don't like how both of them actually mean "every day" but have titled their songs "Everyday"--but I had to pick one.
Winner: Lisa Loeb

“Everything”: Lifehouse vs. Alanis Morisette
The Decision: I’m sorry, as much as I loved this Lifehouse song when I was seventeen (and I loved it), this Alanis Morisette song has lines that purposefully do not end in prepositions: “you dig everything of which I’m ashamed,” for example. No contest.
Winner: Alanis Morisette

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