November 5, 2007

That is another story and shall be told another time

Okay, I've been trying to resist the urge to post more than once a day, but whatever. I had to get all that BBW bananas off my chest, and now I have a million more things to say!

Let's start with this:
That, my friends, is a squirrel eating a Cheeto. I can't even handle it. (Snagged from cuteoverload.) I also really want some Cheetos. I would say time for a Target trip, but I never did get those mellowcreme pumpkins. Which is probably just as well. But Cheetos, mmmm. I don't know if I can resist their siren song.

Okay, just because, here's my best effort into getting the lyrics to Tim's new song "A Promise to Keep" (stuff in parentheses is my best guess):
I still talk to you in my sleep
I don't say much, (cuz the hurt runs too deep)
I gave you the moon and the stars to keep
but you gave them back to me

The hill I'm walking up is getting good and steep
But I'm still looking for a promise even I can't keep

I still lay on my side of the bed
Dance alone when (my last dollar's spent)
Memories like a river runnin' through my head
I'll have me an ocean before I'm dead

The hill I'm walking up is getting good and steep
But I'm still looking for a promise even I can't keep

I still whisper sweet words to you
when I'm busy with nothing to do
Pray to God that my words ring true
and that your words might reach me too

The hill I'm walking up is getting good and steep
But I'm still looking for a promise even I can't keep

My heart's in pieces, so please understand
I try to jump but I've nowhere to land
So give me your heart
and I'll give you my hand
and try as god damn hard as I can

The hill I'm walking up is getting good and steep
But I'm still looking for a promise even I can't keep

I fucking love this song. Once these fools are finally done touring, they need to record a new album immediately. Immediately. (Every time I say "immediately," I hear Tim Meadows saying it in Mean Girls: "All junior girls report to the gymnasium immediately. Immediately." That's why I always say it twice. What did I tell you about Mean Girls running my subconscious?)

Ohmygod, did you know that Legally Blonde is based upon a novel? It is! It's true! See? Clearly, I must read it now, but I'm pretty sure it'll be kinda crappy. The movie is good because Reese Witherspoon is charming. And because I almost always find Jennifer Coolidge hilarious. I mean, the movie had a million opportunities to suck, but it never did--because of the acting. Unless this Amanda Brown is an especially adept writer, I don't think Elle will be half as charming on the printed page. But whatever! I'll read it anyway. Just like I read Emma because Clueless was based upon it. Ugh, actually, maybe I won't read it. I just read the first two pages on Amazon, and it's so much worse than The Devil Wears Prada. I don't think I have it in me--I don't love Legally Blonde as much as I love Clueless, and at least Jane Austen knew how to write a story.

Speaking of novels as sources for movies, The Neverending Story novel is so good. I found the movie and the first sequel at Target for eight bucks, but I haven't watched them yet, because I wanted to finish the book first--but from what I recall, the whole second half of the book is left out of the movie, and, y'all, the second half of the book is the best part. I was worried about the book, because I'd read that the translation was stilted and awkward, but I didn't think that was the case at all. A little bit, in some of the dialogue, maybe, but translating is hard. (Also, why is it that whenever a book is translated into English, it's translated into British English? Is that the correct international form of English? Since, you know, English...came from there and all? Okay, never mind.) The way something is written is usually more important to me than the plot, so I'm so glad that wasn't an obstruction, because there are so many good things in this book. Number one is this short scene where Bastian feels that hurt in his heart that I tried to describe some months ago when he reads something that especially moves him, and of course I can't remember where it is now, but I'll find it. Because I will totally be reading this book again. Just you wait till I watch the movie again, too, because I am sure I will have many millions of nits to pick. I haven't finished it yet, and I already love this book as much as the His Dark Materials trilogy. So, in conclusion, big ups to Brandi Carlile for tattooing the auryn on her arms and making me research The Neverending Story, because if not for her obsession with the movie (and my obsession with her), I probably never would have read the book. (You know it always comes back to her. I just have to stop resisting, I guess.)

I have this awkward habit of, like, singing to myself in public when I have a song stuck in my head. Usually, I sing it just loudly enough to be heard or just quietly enough so that it looks like I'm a crazy person muttering to myself (which I am sometimes). Anyway, it mortifies me, but I can't prevent it from happening. Today, I was singing "Tired" in Panera. Can't stop myself. While I waited in line at the Higher Ground, I was singing just this line from "That Year": "Ten years I never spoke your name" over and over again, and I couldn't stop. Also, it's not always Brandi Carlile songs that make me do this--it's just that lately I haven't really been listening to anything else. Surprise.

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