November 29, 2007

He wore a torn and tattered cloth

I think I might have a crush on Kit Pistol. Or maybe I just like to say her alias. And maybe I love how the first alias she thought of to compare to hers was Mark Twain. A literary reference, hurrah! She is the cutest girl contestant, anyway. Ryan seemed to think I'd have a thing for Jillian, but she is way too straight-girl pretty for me. I can't even remember what she designed last night, but I think I liked it best, because I got all sad when she was dismissed from the runway. Out of the top three, I liked Kit Pistol's the best (you have to do the whole name or else it's not fun any longer--like Nina Garcia!), but I liked Jack's shirt and pants separately, not as an outfit. It was too much for me as an outfit. I'd wear the shirt, I think. I got much more interested in this, because I like boys' clothes way better than dresses, but I can still barely remember anything, because whenever I get to sit down on something comfortable, I start falling asleep.

Anyway, I'm glad Carmen's gone. She was irritating--and she reminded me of Xiomara from Top Model, cycle 2, and Zulema from Runway, season 2. More Xiomara for the face and Zulema for the somewhat abrasiveness. I also spent forever last night trying to remember Zulema's name, and all I could come up with was Shitangi (or whatever), her crazy alter-ego, who I think we only saw in the reunion special clips, not in the actual episodes, which was a shame, because that shit was funny. Season 2 was definitely the best season. And when Heidi said that thing about Ricky's outfit just being a boring old suit, even if he'd made it right, I thought he'd get the German kissoff, but in the end, Carmen's was ugly and poorly made, so I agree wholeheartedly with her dismissal.

I got scared for Sweet P for a minute there, and Elisa's outfit looked like ass, but they hadn't been focusing enough on her throughout the episode for me to get worried, so phew. My faves are still in it! They live to crazy another day--although Sweet P isn't quite living up to how crazy I thought she'd be initially, what with her split personalities and all. But there's plenty of time for that, right?

Look, look!
This is Jillian's. (I love the internet.) It has four pieces, yo. And I like the vest (!). Although the shirt collar is kind of wide for my tastes. But oh well. I never pick the winner. Ever. Sometimes I can call the loser, but only sometimes.

I feel like there was something else I needed to send out to the internet, but whatever. I forgot it.

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