November 1, 2007

No more backyard rock stars howling at the moon

That damn girl and her band have another new song. Tim wrote this one. It's fucking beautiful. Instead of working right now, I'm trying to figure out lyrics. It's called "A Promise to Keep." Tim is awesome. This song reminds me, kind of, of "Hiding My Heart," which the magnificent Tim Hanseroth also wrote. You know, this girl would be so not as fun without the twins. I would still accept her by herself, because I love her, but the twins make everything amazing. Also, Josh. I love Josh.

Anyway, there's this line in the song: "I gave you the moon and the stars to keep, but you gave them back to me" that especially kills me. Seriously, it went right through my heart. Tim's words and her voice are a phenomenal combination. But let me tell you a secret: I like Tim's new songs better than hers. Don't tell her, okay? No, I totally love "Same Ol' You" and "Pride and Joy" as much as I love this one and "How These Days Grow Long." "Love Songs" and "That Year" are lovely as well, and I get a kick out of "I Write These Words," but "How These Days Grow Long" tops them all. Hooray for Tim.

Now, on to more distressing things. If the Red Sox lose Lowell and gain A-Rod, then I really don't know what I'll do. I couldn't be a Sox fan with him on the team. He's like poison. He's the best baseball player ever, blah, blah, blah, but that's not what's important to me. Mike Lowell is a great player, too, and he's all around awesome, as far as we can tell. Alex Rodriguez is a first class asshole. He belongs on the Yankees, hated not just by Sox fans, but by every other team's fans. I like when the team wins games as much as anyone, and hell yes, this World Series was fun, but I want to be able to like the team, you know? Even weirdo Manny appreciantes the fans. I'll keep him. But A-Rod is such a douche, gah. I still can't get over how he smacked Bronson Arroyo to get by him on the way to first base. Who does that? Who?

You know who will put up the money for Lowell if the Red Sox don't offer him a deal he likes? The fucking Yankees. Don't be another Damon, Mike, please. Even if Johnny pretty much crapped out after leaving the Red Sox (that's what you get, traitor). I'm going to hurl. I hate how important money is in these shenanigans. Mike Lowell deserves whatever he asks for, Theo. That is the truth. I am also happy that most of Red Sox Nation agrees with me. Keep A-Rod as far away from Boston as possible, thanks. I'd rather go another 86 years without a World Series title than have to cheer for him. I think the thing about him is that he doesn't know how to be a part of a team. This could just be me romanticizing things in Boston, but the Red Sox are a team. And I like that.

Maybe I'll just have to be an Orioles fan if this doesn't work out.

In other distressing news, have you seen this trailer for Alvin and the Chipmunks? Jeff and I were obsessed with Alvin and the Chipmunks when we were little. We must have seen that movie where they race the Chipettes around the world in hot air balloons (I know!), like, seventy-six times. I think my mom even made Jeff a shirt with a yellow 'A' on it--and we each had dolls: he, Alvin and I, Simon. (Always the nerd, I was.) But this movie looks terrible--like Alvin putting a piece of Theodore's shit in his mouth? What the hell! That's not even gross-out humor; that's just wrong. And Jason Lee as Dave? Although he does do a pretty good "Alvin!" yell. Maybe that's why he got the part. Still. It's all wrong. All, all wrong. In the movie, they look actual chipmunk-sized, but in the fabulous cartoon, they were kid-sized. Like overgrown chipmunks. I guess because this is live-action, they have to make it more realistic. That's hilarious. Singing, dancing chipmunks--let's make it more realistic. There's no way this will top the movie where they race around the globe in hot air balloons. Will I see it anyway? Maybe. But I didn't see the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, and I loved them when I was a kid.

Speaking of trailers, the latest for The Golden Compass is much more explicit in outlining the story, and I'm really not liking how reductive they seem to have made the plot. But it is only a trailer, after all. I am still crazy excited for this movie. And it comes out in a month! Hurrah. Also, the golden compass is not called the golden compass, ever, in the book. When Lyra sees it for the first time, she think it looks like a golden compass. Because it's not a compass; it's a motherfucking alethiometer. Get it right!

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